incoherent bunch of cursed beings that crawled from the Chaos Wastes:
Beastmen - The Unkind - creatures barely held together in the corporeal world. Wrought with pain, they seek to take it out on the pitch, cruel and determined. Complex kitbashes.
Beastmen - The Untamed - poor wretches that lost their minds a long time ago, carried through the pitch only by their basic, savage instincts. Complex kitbashes.
Beastmen - The Ungraceful - what happens when numerous souls inhabit one body, fighting for control - players with shaky, unsure movements and lives. Complex kitbashes.
Beastmen - The Untrue - errors in reality, those creatures defy common sense and natural laws, disturbing everyone on the pitch. Complex kitbashes (one sculpted almost from scratch).
rejects from other teams coupled with ambitious fans turned players:
Renegades - leftovers from recruitment drives, serving as specialists in a much more generalist team. An elf, two greenskins and a skaven. Greebo Games 'Alastoran Malice' models.
Blitzer Marauders - former violent fans, dishing it out on the pitch for money now. Punching specialists. Greebo Games 'Alastoran Malice' models.
mismatched, time-traveling team of players in various stages of decay:
Bloaters - Rotticus Pax, Putronius Araneus, Globbmax and Bleggharius, the filthy heavy hitters of the team - heavily converted Putrid Blightkings from GW.
Pestigors - Toandoro, Best'tigors, Mu'mulgor & Mi Kharnn, the foul runners and ball-handlers - converted Beastmen from the GW Doom Lords BB team.
Rotters - Bob, Ted, John, Mike, Jim & Bill, the fragile and diseased, but happy linemen - converted Rotters from the official GW Nurgle BB team.
Big Guy - a Rotspawn called Sloth the Sloth, a hyperactive, but shy beast with a puppy-like mentality - almost completely screatchbuilt miniature with few GW bits.
Group Shot - all the aforementioned players of the Putrid Punters shown together as a whole team.
Tolly Glocklinger - an enormous player swinging around his own intestine with a giant bell tied on the end of it. Conversion based on a Bloater from the GW BB Nurgle kit.
Guffle Pusmaw - famous Nurgle catcher using a mutated maw on his belly to outdo other similar players. Conversion based mostly on Putrid Blightking bits.
Bulla Shardhorn - generously blessed, famous Pestigor, one mutation away from spawndom. Conversion based mostly on a Pestigor from the Nurgle's Rotters kit.
Bilerot Vomitflesh - tough, no-nonsense ex-empire player. Conversion based around a Bloater from the GW BB Nurgle kit, with reposed arms and extra bulk around the neck.
Cavorting Nurglings - the Pimplettes! Always happy to cause mischief and avoid being fed to Sloth the Sloth. Slightly converted base of plastic Nurglings from GW.
Re-roll Markers - so-called Pleasant Buzzbugs - always showing up when a Nurgle Team is pumped up to play and flying away as they loose steam. Eyestinger Swarms from GW.
young and eager team of devious elves with a real dragon as their mascot:
Core Members - Blitzers, Witch Elves, Runners and Linemen - the team from the new GW box, with some headswaps for diversity.
Assassins - Astrys and Ezion, two rookie murderers always eager to please the crowd with their shenanigans. Official Dark Elf Assassins from Forge World.
Star Players - Roxanna Darknail and Torles the Unlucky. Official Star Witch Elf from Forge world and a kitbashed and homebrewed one - unlucky, yet still famous player on a wheelchair.
Team Owner - Mallerion, a real dragon and an enthusiast of the noble sport! Both a temperamental owner and a beloved mascot of the team (counts as few cheerleaders with a fireball option).
hopelessly elitist and stubborn team from Bretonnia:
Core Members - Blitzers, Throwers, Cathers and Linemen - standard human team from the 2016 box with heads swapped for iconic Bretonnian helmets.
Big Guy - Sir Blubb the Ogre - tough player that got knighted to join Carcassonne Cavaliers to add some raw strength to the team. Converted Blood Bowl Ogre from Games Workshop.
talented and ingenious, but barely kept together greenskin team:
Core Members - Blitzers, Black Orc Blockers, Throwers and Linemen - basic, only slightly converted team from the 2016 Games Workshop box.
Big Guy - Chompa the Troll, a big and sturdy player with a passion for interior design. A Blood Bowl Troll from Games Workshop.
The Weather Mage - Anirion, a proud and powerful mage who had to settle into being a minor game assisstant because of his life choices. Model of the same name from Reaper Miniatures.
MATCH 1: The Dreadspear Dragons vs. The Putrid Punters
"Around Elves, Watch Yourselves!"
MATCH 2: The Dreadspear Dragons vs. The Putrid Punters
"Was it all worth it?"
Chaos Blockers - WIP #4 - the snake - complex kitbash with greenstuff - the star of the team, a champion blessed with so many gifts, it's impossible to tell which parts are original.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #3 - the twins - mostly greenstuff, with small amount of bits - conjoined siblings playing as one champion of chaos, serving almost as very weird cavalry on the pitch.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #2 - the fishman - almost scratchbuilt - a champion, both a living creature and a fish-shaped suit of armor, where nobody knows where one part ends and other starts.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #1 - the walking statue - a heavy conversion based on a Kairic Acolyte - a champion whose chaos armor manifested as marble skin, tough, yet nimble.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #6 - the coordinator and the armsman - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - one player with numerous eyes on long, dangly nerves and one with big arms and not much more.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #5 - armor-man and the jumping thing - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - one player with metallic growths all over, the other barely resembling anything sane.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #4 - flatface and a sackbeast - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - bizarre, disturbing players seeking to disrupt and disorganize their opponents.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #3 - a creature using a tongue as arms and one with an arm mounted on a wheel - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - a runner and a thrower.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #2 - a snail-man and a bird-man - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - vaguely competent players blessed with extra body parts, be it heads or arms.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #1 - a running giant's head and a malformed man-lizard - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - two fierce, skilled players willing to fight rather than follow the ball.
Human Blitzers - pure-blooded players so tough they don't need much armor - 4 Bretonnia-themed players based around Chaos Blocker bodies - from the Doomlords GW kit.
Horticulturalist of Nurgle - the guy with the healthiest vegetables - Festus the Leechlord with a straw hat, a magical shovel and lots of angry-looking plants all around him.
Druchii Sports Sorceress - freshly graduated mage looking to hurt people for money - GW Dark Elf Sorceress converted with sport shoes and a thematic dragonskin backcloth.
Nurgle Head Coach - a new coach for an old team, hoping to make it work. An ogre body heavily covered with greenstuff - for a truly massive coach.
Dark Elf Head Coach - a stern ex-sailor expanding his career options - GW Black Ark Fleetmaster converted with a baseball cap, a book and a spyglass.
Nurgle Plague Doctor - a helpful inducement for the sick and needy - GW Nurgle Sorcerer after some slight conversions, with a doctor's bag and a Nurgling nurse.
Orc Head Coach - responsible orc taking a realistic approach to the events unfolding - kitbashed out of various WH40k Ork parts with some greenstuffed, sporty accesories.
Nurgle Extras - my Nurgle-themed takes on Bloodweiser Kegs and various markers, as well as Cavorting Nurglings - based on GW models, inclduing Poxwalkers and Eyestinger Swarms.
Chaos Renegades Players - small changes made to the all-metal team from Greebo Games - adding mutations and reposing the miniatures to signify their upgrades.
Nurgle Star Players - the whole set of converted stars playing for the best Chaos God - Guffle Pusmaw, Tolly Glocklinger, Bulla Shardhorn and Bilerot Vomitflesh.
Nurgle's Rotspawn - I wasn't happy with any of the existing options, so I decided to sculpt my own cute Big Guy out of greenstuff - with only minimal use of existing bits.
Nurgle's Bloaters conversions - 4 Bloaters, converted (based on Blightkings) quite extensively to show their upgrades, with Roman-style crests on their helmets.
Nurgle's Rotters conversions - 6 Rotters from the GW Nurgle box, each of them converted to show their unique upgrade - through the use of greenstuff and various bits.
Orc and Dark Elf reinforcements - 2 Black Orcs and 2 Blitzers made out of Black Orcs for WFB and Savage Orcs respetively and one kitbashed Dark Elf player on a wheelchair.
Human and Orc players - human team converted into Bretonnians, the ogre with greenstuff and bits, normal humans through headswaps. Black Orc captain with a mask is here too.
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