
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen - The Untamed

I'm in a painting mode recently and I managed to finish up some more weird Blood Bowl beastmen, so here we go with the next two, the feral Untamed, continuing the idea of a grimdark team, desribed a bit HERE.

I like those two - the giant's head on legs was one of the earliest ideas I had for this team and the second one was created by basically pairing random bits together - and he came out really well with those tongue-hands of his. They also offered something more than the last ones when it came to painting - a larger surface of checkered metal and wet arms respectively. I can also mention this time the bases and blue grass - I was wondering for a long time how should I base them to fit the theme. This was a last-minute experiment and also turned out not that bad - almost as if it was photoshopped to change the hue of the pitch, which works fine for Chaos.

The WIPs for both of them can be found HERE and HERE.

While some players of the Lost & Damned team can’t bear existing in the corporeal world, others manage fine, but they are wrought with other issues. The Untamed, as they are usually called - their minds stopped controlling their bodies a long time ago. Those wretches are wild, basic, animalistic, unable to understand the game, and following their vague, violent instincts. Still, they are useful in a scrap and actually simple enough for their coach to overwrite their impulses directly if need be. Dangerous meat puppets, they keep running on the pitch without a pleasant nor a painful thought, until they are destroyed and finally released from their fate.  


  1. Excellent, crazy work! It's like Bosch doing Blood Bowl!

    1. Many thanks! That was indeed the rough idea behind this project :D

  2. Ożeż w mordę! Są zajefajne!

  3. Ależ wspaniale wyszedł ten hełm. Krateczka, weathering i rogi wyglądają super. Oślizgłe kończyny z paszczy też bardzo przekonujące. Lubię :)

    1. Dzięki! Kratka trochę ginie pod tym całym weatheringiem, ale przynajmniej nie wyglądają jak chorwaci (tak bardzo) ;)
