
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen - The Unkind

My motivation is out of whack recently, so instead of continuing with the older Kreegan Krashers as I should, I started painting my much weirder flavor of a Chaos Team - The Lost & The Damned.

In general, this will be my dark, "28" take on Blood Bowl. While the Punters already use a darker palette, they are still rather silly. This will not be the case here. I intend to make them as gloomy as I can - and if the models won't be enough, I'll add some despair in the backgrounds too.

Just like with the WIPs, I will be starting with the "beastmen" - I separated them into 6 groups once again (I don't have much more steam to churn them out faster...), with some theme to bind them together every time. We're starting with the "Unkind", creatures that are just badly pieced by the forces of chaos, hurting badly and more than willing to hurt someone back on the pitch. One of them is a literal sack of flesh and organs barely holding together and the other one was blessed with metal pieces growing from under the skin, with all the unpleasantness that it may entail.

The painting was simple enough, nothing extravagant yet. I decided to make their team armor a red-white checkered pattern, which was supposed to be both old-school and work well with the weathering. Then it turned out pretty Croatian... I never realized it before! Well, after all the scratches and dirt were applied, it wasn't as bright and glaring as before. There's not much of it here, it should be more pronounced on later models. I also stopped writing the player's names on the bases - it made them too crowdy - a number will suffice from now on, for any new teams.

The WIPs for both of them can be found HERE and HERE.

When everyone became fixated with Blood Bowl, many quickly adapted to this new reality. Far away from all that, in the Chaos Wastes, the creatures stirred in their confusion and frustration - the whole world was filled with rage and despair just as much as before, but now they could not partake in it. While saner followers of Chaos found great success in Blood Bowl, the malformed beings forming and disappearing in the wastes were just too strange, too different. Only after many years, born from random mutations, a team emerged to partake in the game - The Lost & The Damned they were called. Unwelcome and unwanted, they still have a hard time fitting in. Some of their players, the Unkind, are just so disfigured, mutated, and badly pieced together, the reality of the world weighs on them, causing physical pain - and they just want to take it out on the pitch. Without anything to lose or regret, they are as determined as they are cruel.


  1. Nie dość, że robisz świetne konwersje to jeszcze na dodatek super je malujesz!

  2. Niebieska trawa wygląda zaskakująco dobrze :D Pięknie wymalowałeś wór flaków i tę "16".

    1. Z flakami mam dużo doświadczenia ;P Cieszę się, że trawa przypadła go gustu, to taki eksperyment na dosłownie ostatnią chwilę był ;)
