
Warhammer Underworlds



The K'nights of Kross - tough greenskins emulating zelaous knights of old. Ironskull's Boyz, from Games Workshop, turned into crusaders.

The Faceless - small group of enigmatic knights in ornate armor, wandering Vechernya in search of monsters and heresy to purge. Heavily converted Steelheart's Champions from Games Workshop.

Sons of Skalv - band of brothers, bloodthirsty barbarians, raiding Vechernya in the search of glory and wealth. Converted Garrek's Reavers from Games Workshop.

Kiril's Retinue - wights of Vechernya, endlessly raising from their graves in a hopeless search to rejoin their unit of warriors. Sepulchral Guard from Games Workshop.


Hakka - kunnin' greenskinned knight with two swords (made out of plasticard) - with helmet converted into a full bucket-like great helmet.

Basha - brutal zealot ready for tough theological disputes - with original spiked clubs replaced with rough, orky flanged maces - with a headscarf as well.

Bonekutta - hard hitting orc bringing a dented greatsword into the fight (plasticard with some original bits involved) - with additional small helmet sculpted on his head.

Gurzag Ironskull - leader of the crusading, greenskinned knights - with an added shield and an axe changed into a sword, both out of plasticard, plus minor changes.

The Faceless - Dark Souls-inspired knights in elaborate armor - heavily converted Stormcast Eternal warband Steelheart's Champions.

Sons of Skalv - Garrek's Reavers converted to look much simpler, like low-fantasy vikings rather than overly ornate Khorne warriors.


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