
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Underworlds - Hakka - WIP

The scramble with the crusading boyz go on - and the final conversion is here - welcome brave knight Hakka.

The whole idea with this one was to give him a big, boxy helmet, already building over his existing mask - I didn't want a crusader warband without at least one of those. Besides that, I didn't have anything special planned for his weapons, so I just changed the knife into a sword and the axe into a spearhead of some sort.

I pushed the conversions forward a bit because there's a competition on the Warhammer Community page, with the theme being 'Crusaders', lasting for July 2020. It motivated me to actually start painting seriously, instead of just kitbashing and converting as I was trying to over the last months. They are being done right now and they will be done and ready next week - on the last Sunday of July.


  1. Fajny garnek ma na głowie :D
    Dorób mu piórko!

    1. To kapitalny pomysł, dzięki! Brakowało mi tam czegoś ;) W pomalowanej wersji będzie z piórkiem!

    2. Piórko rzeczywiście zrobiło robotę :) Czy mieczyki strugałeś z plasticardu?

    3. Nie było tematu - doczytałem na Bonekutcie :D
