all conversions that have their own pages, from newest to oldest
Viktor von Greifen - the captain of the brutal vampire unit, the Prenzlauer Guard. A kitbash based on a Chaos Lord horse with a vampiric knight on top of it.
Kaliglav the Scarlet Priest - Taddeus the Purifier from Blackstone Fortress converted into a flesh-horror-themed mutated cleric, with lots of greenstuffed tentacles.
Bogatyrs of Varsavia - Four character models, one BSB from Forge World and three other wight heroes kitbashed out of bits and large amount of greenstuff.
Odd necromancers - Three character models, converted in varying degrees, each weirder than the next. Two metal miniatures and one plastic empire wizard - all from GW.
Great Basilisk - GW Cockatrice with bigger eyes, a plain tail and face bearing more resemblance to a rooster - all to make it more similar to a mythical basilisk.
Daremnych the Great Liche Priest - Necromancer Lord from Avatars of War - with most of his iconography changed into slavic ones, new scabbard and a pointy crown/helmet.
Vaclav the Red, the Dragonrider - GW Vampire Lord mounted on HE Imrik's dragon - with said dragon having almost all of his surface covered with new, greenstuffed scales and plates.
Haughr of Förghann - mounted Chaos sorcerer converted to be used as a mounted necromancer - mostly by removing his tentacles, adding a skull-mask and some death-related bits.
Gatzek - a wolfbomination from the Zombicide boardgame converted into a bat monster - new greenstuffed jaw, plastic wings taken from a vargheist and much thicker legs.
Undead Stegadon - a Lizardman/Seraphon Stegadon converted to serve as a massive filler in the Zombie Legion - lots of carving, cutting, greenstuff and various bits.
A Hardy Minotaur - single beastman Minotaur, yet another filler for the Zombie Legion. Converted by sticking lots of weapons in him and changing what he's holding.
Ecaterina Sokolov - a GW Coven Throne with some converted details - new haircuts and accesories, pearl strings, basing with a destroyed fence and so on.
Abelard von Greifen - an old Blood Dragon miniature with a mostly scratchbuilt standard - with a family crest held by a dragon skull and etheral banner made out of hands and faces.
Effigy of Death - a Tomb King necrosphinx heavily converted to make him more VC-friendly. Scratchbuilt wings, weapons, new skin and much, much more.
The Avatar of the Death God - Nagash heavily converted to fit my army theme - new helmet, scratchbuilt cape covered with skeletons and much more.
Strigoi Siblings - 'Harpy's Embrace' from Gamezone Miniatures and one reposed GW Strigoi vampire - both with large bat ears to make them look more feral.
Haralamb Gudvanger - mounted Lord of Nurgle converted into a creepy collector of severed hands, with two helpers made out of gnoblar bodies with ghoul heads.
Sokolov Halberd Regiment - A unit of 20 skeleton warriors from GW converted to carry halberds and copies of Bretonnian shields made out of greenstuff.
The Lady's Gardeners - 20 Sylvaneth Dryads converted to incorporate visceral, body horror elements typical to the creations of the Lady of the Bog.
Gudvanger's Body Puppets - 6 Nurgle Putrid Blightkings with their iconography filed off and some other minor conversions.
Wraiths of Siekerno - AoS Grimghast Reapers converted to be used as WFB unit of Cairn Wraiths, with pointy helmets and axes instead of scythes.
Varsavian Hermits - oldhammer spirit hosts converted with greenstuffed beards and hats to look like russian hermits of old.
Varsavian Warriors - Frostgrave Barbarians converted into pre-christian, slavic, zombified warriors - through greenstuff and Chaos Marauder bits.
The Brutes - three larger models used as fillers in the Zombie Legion - one AoS Bloodstoker and then mostly orc bodyparts with lots of greenstuff.
Flying Horrors - Carrion from the Tom Kings range converted into weird flesh-constructs - with scratchbuilt heads and greenstuffed, visceral horror in their bellies.
Alkonosts and Sirins - GW Warhawks and Mirliton eagles converted to look like slavic bird-women - with screatchbuilt heads and wooden idols as bases.
Gudvanger's Monsters - ogres from GW converted into Frankenstein Monster-like creatures with lots of stitches and bits taken from many different armies.
The Green Hunt - hexwraith bodies mounted on Chaos Marauder horses - with the champion converted to look like the Red Rider from an illustration for a russian folk tale.
Monstres from the East - GW Vargheists with the champion of the unit having reposed wings and a new, scratchbuilt jaw full of teeth.
Prenzlauer Guard - GW Chaos Warriors converted into vampire Blood Knights - all the iconography was filed off, with new weapons, shields and scuplted faces.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #4 - the snake - complex kitbash with greenstuff - the star of the team, a champion blessed with so many gifts, it's impossible to tell which parts are original.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #3 - the twins - mostly greenstuff, with small amount of bits - conjoined siblings playing as one champion of chaos, serving almost as very weird cavalry on the pitch.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #2 - the fishman - almost scratchbuilt - a champion, both a living creature and a fish-shaped suit of armor, where nobody knows where one part ends and other starts.
Chaos Blockers - WIP #1 - the walking statue - a heavy conversion based on a Kairic Acolyte - a champion whose chaos armor manifested as marble skin, tough, yet nimble.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #6 - the coordinator and the armsman - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - one player with numerous eyes on long, dangly nerves and one with big arms and not much more.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #5 - armor-man and the jumping thing - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - one player with metallic growths all over, the other barely resembling anything sane.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #4 - flatface and a sackbeast - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - bizarre, disturbing players seeking to disrupt and disorganize their opponents.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #3 - a creature using a tongue as arms and one with an arm mounted on a wheel - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - a runner and a thrower.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #2 - a snail-man and a bird-man - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - vaguely competent players blessed with extra body parts, be it heads or arms.
Chaos Beastmen - WIP #1 - a running giant's head and a malformed man-lizard - complex kitbashes with greenstuff - two fierce, skilled players willing to fight rather than follow the ball.
Human Blitzers - pure-blooded players so tough they don't need much armor - 4 Bretonnia-themed players based around Chaos Blocker bodies - from the Doomlords GW kit.
Horticulturalist of Nurgle - the guy with the healthiest vegetables - Festus the Leechlord with a straw hat, a magical shovel and lots of angry-looking plants all around him.
Druchii Sports Sorceress - freshly graduated mage looking to hurt people for money - GW Dark Elf Sorceress converted with sport shoes and a thematic dragonskin backcloth.
Dark Elf Head Coach - a stern ex-sailor expanding his career options - GW Black Ark Fleetmaster converted with a baseball cap, a book and a spyglass.
Nurgle Plague Doctor - a helpful practicioner of "alternative" medicine for Blood Bowl - GW Nurgle Sorcerer after some slight conversions, with a doctor's bag and a Nurgling nurse.
Orc Head Coach - facepalming orc, dissapointed with his clumsy Blood Bowl players - kitbashed out of various WH40k Ork parts with some greenstuffed, sporty accesories.
Nurgle Extras - my Nurgle-themed takes on various markers and bonuses for Blood Bowl - based on GW models, inclduing Poxwalkers and Eyestinger Swarms.
Nurgle Star Players - a set of special, recruitable players for Blood Bowl - with the minis mostly based around those from the GW Nurgle BB box.
Sloth the Sloth - an almost completely scratchbuilt Rotspawn / Beast of Nurgle for Blood Bowl - lots of tentacles and similar Nurgle niceness.
Nurgle's Bloaters - 4 Bloaters for Blood Bowl, converted (based on Blightkings) quite extensively to show their upgrades, with Roman-style crests on their helmets.
Nurgle's Pestigors - 4 Pestigors converted out of BB Chaos Beastmen, converted to show their unique skill upgrades.
Nurgle's Rotters conversions - 6 Rotters from the GW Nurgle box, each of them converted to show their unique upgrade - through the use of greenstuff and various bits.
Blood Bowl Players - human team converted into Bretonnians, the ogre with greenstuff and bits, normal humans through headswaps. Black Orc captain with an iconic mask is here too.
Hakka - kunnin' greenskinned knight with two swords (made out of plasticard) - with helmet converted into a full bucket-like great helmet.
Basha - brutal zealot ready for tough theological disputes - with original spiked clubs replaced with rough, orky flanged maces - with a headscarf as well.
Bonekutta - hard hitting orc bringing a dented greatsword into the fight (plasticard with some original bits involved) - with additional small helmet sculpted on his head.
Gurzag Ironskull - leader of the crusading, greenskinned knights - with an added shield and an axe changed into a sword, both out of plasticard, plus minor changes.
The Faceless - Dark Souls-inspired knights in elaborate armor - heavily converted Stormcast Eternal warband from Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, GW.
Sons of Skalv - warband for Warhammer Underworlds. Garrek's Reavers converted to look more like low-fantasy vikings rather than overly ornate Khorne warriors.
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