
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Viktor von Greifen, Captain of the Prenzlauer Guard - WIP

The Prenzlauer Guard are one of the oldest miniatures that I have in my undead collection - which means that they grew to look a bit dated to me - and I think about repainting them to my current standards from time to time. This would mean not painting new things and not moving forward, so I never actually did it. An opportunity showed itself when I found a Chaos Lord horse cheaply on ebay - it has a similar style to the Chaos Knights that I used last time, so it was perfect. Besides, I love that model. I decided to kitbash on it a leader for that unit, allowing me to try doing another take on a chaos-based-vampire.

In the end, the kitbash ended looking very similar to the original Lord - he is made mostly out of Skullcrusher bits, with a head from the Terrogheist kit, a big hammer and a shield and a cloak (which will be on the next installment of Sculpting Tips). After starting with Instagram I also found tons of cool kitbashing inspiration - and that's why he has so many little details hanging around, I love that style. It's still quite reserved, though - I will try doing something much more cluttered in the future.


  1. Ja wiem, mi tam on w obwieszony wcale nie za mało! Piękna kompozycja z czaszek. A w rzeźbiarskich poradach będzie sam płaszczyk, czy płaszczyk i młoteczek? ;)

    1. Niektóre rzeczy, które ostatnio widziałem to tak jakby ktoś nalał kleju do pudełka z bitsami i wyciągnął to co się skleiło - i do tego standardu trochę mi jeszcze jednak daleko :D Dzięki!

      W poradach póki co będzie tylko płaszczyk, bo tylko do niego mam zdjęcia zrobione - ale sobie zanotuję, że jest zainteresowanie i na młotek ;) - zrobię przy następnej okazji.

    2. Koniecznie! Może zrobię w końcu kiedyś bandę Sisters of Sigmar - przyda się wtedy jak złoto :D

  2. Very good conversion work, especially on the folds of the cloak.

    1. Many thanks! It was quite a journey with those folds, so I'm glad you like it :)
