
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Blood Bowl Druchii Sports Sorceress - WIP

It's time for the last mini from the staff trio I did some time ago. After the Orc and Dark Elf coaches, here comes the Druchii Sports Sorceress - a unique wizard available to dark elves, to join my Dreadspear Dragons. While normal mage casts big but unreliable fireballs, she is adept at casting very precise lightning bolts and weakening opposing players with the 'Death of a Thousand Cuts". She may be expensive to induce, but she gives a lot of flavor to the elvish force and an 83% chance to knock down any player on the pitch is quite worth it.

Obviously, I used a Dark Elf Sorceress from AoS / WFB to represent her - the model is quite perfect in this regard. Still, I decided to convert her at least a little bit to make her more sporty and fit with the team. To first thing is achieved through sneakers I sculpted on her feet and the second thing through a small piece of dragonskin on her behind. I also scattered some bits around her to make the base look less empty and bring the Blood Bowl theme a little more. Not much done here, but it's always something.


  1. Excellent conversion - I love the trainers!

    1. Thanks! I would like to make them more detailed, but the scale is so small!

  2. Jak zawsze konwersje w punkt. Figurkę zawsze bardzo lubiłem (i nawet skonwertowałem i pomalowałem), ale odkąd jeden kolega zwrócił mi uwagę, że większość pań z GW (w tym ta!) ma nieproporcjonalnie krótkie nogi, jakoś mnie kłuje w oczy. Tak czy siak - wiem, że pomalujesz prima sort, czekam więc niecierpliwie.

    1. Mi tam szczególnie nie przeszkadza - a poza tym w GW i tak są na bakier z proporcjami ;) Dzięki, ciesze się, że się podoba!
