
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Blood Bowl Team - The Dreadspear Dragons

The third Blood Bowl team is finally painted, here are some Dark Elves! The assassins from Forge World and star players need some more attention so they will come later.

Like I mentioned in one of the previous posts, I bought them because my wife really liked their playstyle in the video games and we wanted some diversity in our teams either way. The team was also quite recently released when I bought them, they looked sharp and I certainly didn't mind painting some Dark Elves for a change!

If I were to paint them as my first team I would probably choose black and red for them because I really like the druiichi in that scheme, but Orcs were already sporting those colors. So I choose the official paintjob - that makes them stand out really well amongst the other teams and it was a good opportunity to paint something purple. Last time I used that color in any appreciable quantity was with Tzeentch Horrors, around 2006 - so it quite refreshing to try that out again. It was also the first time when I decided to cheat and "paint" their eyes using a 0.05 pen instead of a brush - I expected wonders, but in the end, it was almost the same - it's just too damn small! I really admire people that can paint irises and reflections there.

I'm glad how they turned out and liked working on them, even if the elven cleanliness and the striking colors aren't really my forte.

The Dreadspear Dragons were founded several years ago by a Dark Elf noble Slyther “Sly” Maldevs, who was lucky enough to find a young dragon that enjoyed watching Blood Bowl. Sly used it as a team mascot, cheering from the sidelines, sometimes rampaging through the stands or the pitch - guaranteeing high popularity of the team thanks to the gimmick itself. Unfortunately for him, he completely neglected the players - and when they started constantly losing and the novelty of the dragon wore off, Sly was forced to get into more and more debts to support his new, lavish lifestyle. When the situation became dire and the creditors were (literally) ramming down his doors, he transferred the ownership of the team to the dragon mascot, all to avoid the legal responsibilities of his debt. Still, this being a Dark Elf society, nobody gave a damn about such tricks and Sly got ritually tortured and sacrificed as anyone else in his position. As for the Dreadspear Dragons, the new draconic owner quickly “found” a new sponsor, manager and a coach - all the players were changed and the team rushed strong into the new season with high hopes. Not unwarranted too! The new players are much better than the previous dregs and there are two gimmicks now: the team mascot is both a live dragon and also the team owner!

First, some photos of the whole team:

Photo compilation showing a whole 12-model Dark Elf team for Blood Bowl, in a purple color scheme, with silver trims, dark clothes and pale skin.

And all the individual Dragons:

Photo compilation showing singular models of the Dark Elf team for Blood Bowl, Witch Elves, Linemen, Blitzers and Runners.


  1. Hi ! Usually I don't comment but everything you do here on your blog is a delight to me ! Keep up the good work to please the lurking mob !

    1. Thank you, much appreciated! Comments like this one really motivate me to keep going more and more :)

  2. Pięknieś dobrał do tego fioletu kolor trawki i łusek narzutek. Kontrast jak ta lala :)

    1. Kolor łusek wybrałem specjalnie, trawki użyłem akurat takiej, bo kiedyś kupiłem i nigdy nie użyłem - a tu się zdarzył akurat dobry pretekst ;) Cieszę się więc tym bardziej, że przypasowało i się podoba :)
