
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Blood Bowl Orc Head Coach - WIP

Time for something moderately fresh - a conversion. This guy here was thought as a part of a trio with other BB staff members, but seeing as I am on a hiatus and need as many posts as I can get, I decided to separate them into different posts. Better this way than to leave a Sunday empty, I think.

Here comes the Head Coach for my Orc team The Badlands Badbuttz. I have a lot of greenskin bits in my collection and I wanted to kitbash him for a long time, but I couldn't think of anything good enough. I had a eureka moment when I found hands from the WH40K orks, ones used to support their guns - the size and the pose was perfect to be used as a face-palm - thus creating the reaction many coaches all around the world have when playing the game! Because what else can you do when your players break their necks by slipping on the grass, fall down while trying to kick a goblin and struggle for the whole match to even pick up the ball?

His body comes from the overseer of the Gretchin Herd - with his static pose and a big gut, it fit perfectly in this role. Besides, I also gave him some sporty wristbands and a baseball cap with a very long bill - with a spike to make it properly menacing.


  1. Pierwsze skojarzenie jak zobaczyłem to, że ten ork coś spawał, zapomniał założyć przyłbicę i go oślepiło :D
    Dopiero później zacząłem czytać, że to figurka do BB :D

    1. Nadzwyczaj dużo udało Ci się tutaj odczytać :D Podoba mi się ;)

  2. Lovely conversion work. A while ago I discovered that you could make a thoughtful ork by putting his chin in his hand, but I never realised you could make one covering his eyes! That hat is a great touch too.

    1. That's also a cool idea! Still, this mood with a facepalm is probably more Bloodbowly ;) Thanks!

  3. Facepalm bardzo orkowy i bardzo bloodbowlowy zarazem. Sportowe ozdobniczki w punkt :)

    1. Dzięki, cieszę się, że konwersja działa :)
