
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Seigneur Crinierre

So, the hiatus is on, but I still want to fill the blog with something, so it's time to show off some of my older minis that I'm not too ashamed about. I actually made photos of them long ago and kept them in reserve for a time when I won't be able to post something new each week...

My first army ever was Orcs & Goblins in 5th Ed. WFB and the second was Hordes of Chaos in 6th Ed. - but those armies got either sold off or were stripped of paint. It's my third army - Bretonnia in the 7th Ed. that managed to stay in their proud forms, unsold, unstripped (and mostly unpainted). Today I am showing you a Lord on a Hippogriff, a metal model from the times when Bretonnia still existed in GW stores - and painted around 2010.

The shadows could be deeper, the highlights stronger, the little shields could use some tiny freehands, but I generally like the red color scheme and the pattern that I went with on the wings. It could be worse.

Most of the time, Earl Sagremor is able to manage with the undead menace in his realm, but when the forces of evil are too formidable, he can call upon his good ally, Seigneur Piers Crinierre. While such a call is against the old rules of seniority, Sagremor saved Crinierre’s life in a campaign many years ago - and the two were joined not only by this life debt but also friendship. That’s why the Lord can use his superior resources to help the Earl from time to time - which Sagremor pays off just as often, naturally. When he’s able to, Crinierre even shows up personally in battle, riding his trusty Hippogriff Marteau and wielding a formidable sword Radieux to serve as an especially terrifying, flying shock force.


  1. Ma dziesięć lat, a wygląda jak nowy. Piękny!

    1. No, trochę musiałem go odkurzyć ;) Dzięki!

  2. Jak na model malowany dekadę temu, to bretonnczyk wygląda porządnie.

    Z drugiej strony widać rozwój, jaki poczyniłeś od tamtej pory. :)

    1. Mam jeszcze sporo niepomalowanych bretońców, będzie jeszcze okazja pomalować ich lepiej ;) Wielkie dzięki!

  3. Pełna zgoda: czerwony nieco płaski, ale skrzydła za to wspaniałe. Pełna zgoda także z przedmówcą - wygląda porządnie, a i progres ogromny.

    1. Za dawnych czasów tylko freehandem mogłem nadrabiać takie sobie cieniowanie ;) Dzięki, cieszę się, że widać jakiś postęp!
