
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Blood Bowl Nurgle Team - Rotters WIP

After getting into Blood Bowl both me and my wife played the video games to try out various teams - and while she did choose Dark Elves, I really liked the Nurgle one. Soon after that GW released their own take on the team and I was lucky enough to get a box of them later for Christmas. I don't want to use the team as-is, there is a lot of converting to be done before I'm satisfied with them, but it's a great base to build upon.

I started with the small ones, the Rotters. Our house rule is to give every player a single level-up at the beginning - to give them some skills and make the game more interesting - and with those guys, I chose mainly those upgrades that could be interestingly depicted on the mini itself. This is one of the reasons why I like Nurgle (or Chaos generally) in BB - all the 'Mutations' skills are just perfect as conversion potential.

Here they are all together with their upgrades:

4 unpainted, kitbashed miniatures of rotters for Blood Bowl Nurgle team. Through the use of bits and greenstuff, they were converted to show their own upgrade skills.

And the close-ups.

The first two here have Kick and Guard. The left one was also the first one that I leveled-up, I really like having one kicking specialist on the team. He got reposed a bit to show his skill. I wanted to put a nurgling in front of him, but the base was getting way too crowded at that point.

The one on the right rolled doubles when leveling-up so I gave him a skill that will make him useful even if he's just standing passively. For quite a long time I wasn't sure how to represent his skill, unsure how would it work in practice. I considered covering him in spines, but later I just opted for shields - it is clear and obvious at least. That and I had some cool Nurgle-themed shields from the Putrid Blightkings kit to use.

2 unpainted, kitbashed miniatures of rotters for Blood Bowl Nurgle team, visible from multiple angles. Through the use of bits and greenstuff, they were converted to show their own upgrade skills, Kick and Guard respectively.

Smiling players now, one with bonus Agility and another with a Big Hand. Agile one was fun to create - with that lucky roll, he suddenly became as dexterous as an elf, while still being a decomposing Rotter! I set him up in a fancy position and gave him long ears - to drive that elf analogue even further.

The second one here was also enjoyable to build, I got to use some of those Crypt Horror and Ogre bits. Weirdly enough, only after converting him I looked up that this mutation affects only one hand, not both! Well, that makes his skill even more recognizable and also look more interesting so I will keep it.

2 unpainted, kitbashed miniatures of rotters for Blood Bowl Nurgle team, visible from multiple angles. Through the use of bits and greenstuff, they were converted to show their own upgrade skills, bonus Agility and Big Hand respectively.

And the last two - Thick Skull and Prehensile Tail. Firstly - yeah, I know that Thick Skull isn't really a terrific skill option for Rotters, but I just really wanted to sculpt a turtle shell on one of their heads. I also gave him some additional greenstuffed nastiness to make him even more different from another rotter that uses the same plastic sculpt.

The one on the right was probably the simplest conversion, just a wire covered with greenstuff and boils - but not only looks nice, but he's also very good on the pitch too!

2 unpainted, kitbashed miniatures of rotters for Blood Bowl Nurgle team, visible from multiple angles. Through the use of bits and greenstuff, they were converted to show their own upgrade skills, Thick Skull and Prehensile Tail respectively.


  1. Excellent conversions. I look forward to seeing them painted!

  2. Very cool ! My favorite is Big Hands guy !

    1. Thanks! I like them all, but Big Hands is definitely high up there :D

  3. To give them a skill/mutation from the start is a real help to making the models! You've picked fantastic characterful alterations to do. I look forward very much to seeing this team painted up.

    1. It probably messes up with the intended game balance, but I value the modelling part of the game a little bit more ;) Thanks, I'm glad you like them and thanks for all the comments - it was really nice to read them :)
