
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Wraiths of Siekerno

Finally, I managed to paint my rather unpractical unit of Cairn Wraiths, made out of converted Grimghast Reapers. I built them like this because I always wanted a unit of them, but I couldn't find the right models - and those wraiths were a perfect converting opportunity for that. They required very careful positioning, basing, additional weight underneath and can stand in only one configuration - but they do work! Good to see that it was possible to squeeze an AoS unit into such a tight WFB formation.

Unfortunately, the converting process wasn't the hard part, painting all the ghostly bits was. Maybe it was just me, but I really struggled to cover it all without missing anything in a reasonable amount of time. I guess the new Nighthaunt aren't really for me! Still, I am quite happy with how they turned out and must admit that it was all worth it! Also, I finally found a good model to try out verdigris and etheral effects at the same time - something that people have been suggesting to me for a long time. Now I have to consider making more minis like this.

Wanting to represent the 'Chill Grasp' rule from the 8th Edition WFB I also painted some frost on their scythe handles, just like I did years ago on my first Cairn Wraith.

The whole conversion process and problems related to it are shown in the WIP post HERE.

In the ages past, when Daremnych was waging a difficult war with another ancient tribe, he came to the village of Siekerno, asking for help. He wanted to ask their well-known and fearsome axemen warriors to sneak through the forest and attack his enemy’s flank during an upcoming battle. The men agreed, but when the time came, they didn't intervene, favoring the chances of the Great Priest’s opponents. Unfortunately for them, Daremnych prevailed through the bloody battle even without them - and came to confront the warriors after that. Already knowing his methods, the axemen of Siekierno fell to their knees, asking for another chance, willing to help and serve. The Priest gave them exactly that - killed them all and bound their spirits to his will, telling them that he will call upon them in the future - only then the axemen will get their second chance and opportunity to serve. Then he captured all the remaining villagers, divided them into small groups and forcibly integrated them into various tribes he had under his command. Now Daremnych, needing an edge against his vampire enemies, came to the forgotten ruins of Siekerno and called the axemen back - to finally serve him as they wanted so many years ago.

First, the whole tightly packed unit of wraiths:

Unit of 10 converted Grimghast Reapers miniatures from Age of Sigmar (AoS), made to fit tightly together as Cairn Wraiths for Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB).

And all of them separated:

10 converted Grimghast Reapers from Age of Sigmar (AoS), shown separately, with black and red capes over their ghostly bodies, axes and pointy helmets.


  1. No to żeś pojechał robota pierwsza klasa brawo

  2. Nie do końca do mnie przemawiają te plemnikowe czapeczki ;) ale malowanie jest super. No i podstawki... też świetne!

    1. Zaraz tam plemnikowe! Po prostu trochę (bardzo) przerysowane starosłowiańskie, szpiczaste hełmy ;P Ciesze się, że jednak mimo to się podoba ;)

  3. Aż za dobre! Świetne efekty "duszności" i lekkiej oksydacji, o Twoich nieziemskich freehandach (w dzikiej ilości) nie wspominając.

    1. Wielkie dzięki, cieszę się, że połączenie tych trzech elementów zadziałało całkiem dobrze. Co ciekawe, ludzie zazwyczaj mówią, że tej oksydacji jest aż za dużo na moich figurkach ;)
