
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Zombie Legion - Miscellaneous

Part of the Zombie Legion

Almost exactly a year ago, on March the 25th 2018, after a crazy and difficult modelling journey, I posted the finished Zombie Legion. It seems fitting to post today the last of the zombie sub-batches, which I kept churning out during this year - and finally close this project. Here come the miscellaneous zombies, the ones that couldn't fit in any other group that I did, the dregs of the dregs, the last ones. This means that I won't be boring you readers with those old projects, now everything should be new and fresh.

You could always find some sub-groups or themes in Constantin's zombie legion, but at the end of the day, it’s still a chaotic, everchanging mass of reanimated bodies - some things just find themselves there without any great reason. Despite that, or maybe because of it, they fit with the rest just fine.

First is the filler with the Terrorgheist head, probably the most humorous part of the whole horde. The idea came to me when I got an additional TG head in a bought collection of bits - and where else could I excercise some non-seriousness if not with the zombies? Setting them up in this position was a bit challenging, but I think it all worked out rather good, considering those zombies have wonky anatomy either way.

2 zombie miniatures holding a detached Terrogheist head so that the third zombie can stick his head through the monster's mouth. A kitbashed unit filler for Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB), 60x40mm

And the remaining singular zombies. Some of them are more interesting than others, like the headless flagellant, the armless one or the only undead greenskin. The rest are just the most common zombies that can be built from the old set - but those are needed too for real diversity after all.

Diverse singular zombie miniatures kitbashed and converted to be used in my huge Zombie unit.

And that's it folks, the Legion is done. And for all the zombie fans, I'll be back with a giant and a dragon in the future - there are always more zombies to be built after all.


  1. Fantastic work as ever! The terrorgheist conversion is great. I really like how you've made the zombies look ragged and dirty while keeping a clean style with quite bright colours.

    1. Thank you very much! I am glad that I chose a pretty light skintone for them at the beginning - they don't get mixed up in all the darkness while masses together - unlike some of my more recent miniatures :) I appreciate you noticing that and bringing my attention to it too ;)

  2. Legion rośnie w siłę!!! Brawo!!!

    1. Dzięki! To już jednak koniec dla nich, legion jest już wystarczająco silny, nie wiem czy kiedykolwiek w życiu dam radę rzucić się na kolejnych zombi ;)

  3. Shame there will be no more zombie posts! I particularly like the champions. And the horde is just astonishing. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Well, even that big horde will run out at some point! Thanks, I'm really glad to see that people like them :)

  4. Świetny pomysł na wykorzystanie głowy Terrorgheista, pozostałe Zombie również świetne. :)
