
Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Zombie Legion

EDIT: The index for everything in the legion can be found HERE.

Finally, the Zombie Legion is finished! 8 units, each 50-wound-strong, for 400 wounds total - with more than half of them composed of multibase fillers. This project spans almost 5 years, with most of the work done during the last year - and you can find here representatives of almost all of the old WFB factions, with some bits from Age of Sigmar too. I consider it now my most impressive project, much bigger than my another excessively large project, Nagash.

The idea for this project came to me when I saw a crazy collection done by Mad 'At on Carpe Noctem forum, where he mixed all kinds of bits in his zombie horde, full of fillers - that inspired me to try something similar. I started with filling up my 65 basic zombies up to 100 - and then I thought, why not go for 200? I had my head still full of ideas! Then 300. Then 350. And finally 400. At that point, I started to run out of ideas and decided that it's a good point to stop - being able to build a 40x40cm square full of zombies. Last weeks were especially tough, as I had to finish them before April. All that intensive work took a toll on me and now it's difficult to stop thinking "I need to paint zombies!"... Also, worth noting, while I didn't have to push my painting skills to the limit on this project, I really learned to paint much more time-effectively, especially on rank-and-file troops like these.

I set them all in a good configuration, numbered them all, together with their places on the tray and now I'll have to think, how am I going to move them from Berlin to Warsaw without damaging them. After that, I think I'll take a short break (but I still have photos of zombie-batches to last me at least two months) - and then I'll go back to another project I started a long time ago - Vaclav the Red, the Dragonrider. Maybe some smaller minis will come in the meantime too.

HERE you can find an index of all entries relating to this gargantuan project, all the batches and WIPs, with some statistics too!

Von Greifen vampires gathered much power in Varsavia through the years and their armies managed to deal with all the intruders thus far - with vampires as the commanders and the common troops composed of Hautfell's skeletons, Gudvanger's monsters and wight soldiers. This alliance of vampires, necromancers, varsavian wights and the denizens of the Black Bog relied greatly on their mutual support. Still, the tensions between them just kept growing, with every faction trying to gain the upper hand by amassing larger forces or subverting the others. Constantin noticed then - that he and his vampires would be severely outnumbered if they were to face the others in open combat. While other troops had better equipment, discipline or skill, all they had were pitiful, rotting zombies, with their numbers being their only strong point. But rather than futilely seeking other options, Constantin decided to just use what he has, only much, much more - because there's a quality to quantity too. Walking corpses don't need elaborate rituals or strong magic to sustain - amassing them would be time-consuming, but not difficult. That project soon turned into a weird hunt for uncommon corpses to add them to the collection - which grew and grew into really immense size. If they can't beat their opponents in a straight fight, they will just drown them with bodies!

By the very nature of this zombie mass, it's really difficult to make sense of all of this, so there will be more photos. First, some close-ups.

And pictures of the sub-regiments themselves.


  1. Man, this amount of work is unbelievable. Outstanding job, beutiful sense of style :)

  2. Yeah, even I cannot believe I actually finished it ;) Big thanks!

  3. Super cool project, the whole thing is beautiful
