
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Zombie Legion - Giant Spiders

Part of the Zombie Legion

The unpainted conversions can be seen HERE.

Once I bought some cheap giant spiders from the Battle of the Skull Pass set when I was looking for some inspiration to get more diversity in my zombie legion. Unfortunately, they were all identical, static and boring - so I hacked their legs away and setting them in new positions - I saw many people doing that on the internet. The process was tedious, not easy at all with all the pins, so I build only 4 of them - out of 10 that I had overall - but I think that many of them will suffice in the horde.

All of them got at least a bit of gloss varnish on their bodies to make them look slicker and properly arthropod-like. Their blood is also green or transparent here to push that alien look a little bit further - it was a great opportunity to try out that trick with glue mixed with paint to make it look all sticky and disgusting. That and water effects mixed with green paint.

First spiders shown here were based on the most characteristic ones one can outside here in central/eastern europe - a Wasp Spider (called a Tiger Spider in Poland) and a Cross Spider (called a Teutonic Spider in Poland). The yellow one looks especially striking amongst all the other zombies in the unit - I will show that later when the whole horde will be done.

Forests of the Old World are teeming with giant spiders and Varsavia is no different - and they are also a good stock to use in undead armies. Raising them as undead proved to be slightly more difficult than it is with usual vertebrates, though - but Constantin eventually managed to do it after some experiments. Still, the process is somewhat faulty - spiders still try to hunt from time to time and their most common victims are other members of the horde. Vampires deem it an acceptable drawback, for they can crawl walls superbly and are perfect for terrifying their living opponents in battle.

And the second two spiders are just vaguely brown/yellowish - I tried imitating other spiders found here, but I didn't find more really characteristic ones so they turned out pretty generic in the end. Now I think that I should have build a long legs spider - that would really stand out!

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