
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Blood Bowl Human Blitzers - WIP

Okay, those here took me a LOT of time...  

When I was converting the Pestigors for my Nurgle Blood Bowl Team, I bought myself a generic Chaos team. 4 Beastmen got convinced to work for Nurgle and another 4 were reserved for another project - which left me with 4 Blockers. After a bit of thinking, I decided to turn them into Blitzers for my Human/Bretonnian Team. This would both give me the whole allowance for Blitzers and make them much more distinct - the original ones relied on helmets to make them recognizable, which fails when I changed all of their heads... Thankfully the blockers are not mutated, not very spiky and up for a conversion - I envisioned them as some weird ubermensch Bretonnian nobles, not needing full armor when they have muscles!      

Then, the whole process began... I filed down the bracers on of them, then left the project for a week. Then I swapped the head on another one. Two weeks pause. New hands for that one - and a week of something else later - you can see where it goes. I don't even know why it turned out like this. In the end, more than 50% of the work was done in one week, after many months after starting. Oh well.      

The first two are here. The one on the left has some enhanced knuckles, with 4THE LADY engraved on them, to leave a Bretonnian mark on every fool they punch - that's Mighty Blow. The second one sports a big shield on his helmet - that's a Guard skill.

And the second pair. The one on the left sports some horns and a skull - because chivalrous doesn't mean nice - he has Frenzy. The other one has a hand on his helmet - and that's Sure Hands obviously. The spike on his bracer is also a Fleur-de-lys, I found a single, last one amongst my Bretonnian bits - so here it goes.


  1. Bardzo dobry i elegancko zrealizowany pomysł z odzwierciedleniem skilli w emblematach :) Kasteciki - i ten z lilijką, i 4THE LADY - w punkt. A do tego, gdybyś nie powiedział, nie ogarnąłbym, że to chaośniki. Nic, tylko malować!

    1. Ano właśnie współcześni chaośnicy do BB są mało kolczaści i niezbyt straszni, dlatego lepiej mi przypasowali jako zwykli ludzie ;) Dzięki, cieszę się, że się podobają!
