
Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Lady's Favor

More Bretonnians from ye olden times to pass the time - and today, a Trebuchet! A beautiful model, I'm happy I was about to get it when it was still being sold.

Bought in 2007 (for my 18th birthday!) and painted in 2010, this was my first warmachine ever - and I wanted to do it justice with a proper scenic base. I made it out of an MDF board - all the crewmen and the trebuchet itself are removable. I'm pretty satisfied with it - nowadays I would add freehands on the little shields and avoid making those hard-cut stones on the edge of the base.

Unlike most Bretonnian lords, Crinierre is quite a progressive person, enjoying new inventions and innovations. That’s why he was always keen on employing war machines in his forces - and after getting a team of engineers from the Empire and traditional Bretonnian architects, he built himself a trebuchet. Manned by outlanders, fashioned to look like a cathedral, and even called ‘The Lady’s Favor’, it causes more traditional lords to talk about blasphemy. Still, even those disgruntled nobles are forced to admit the contraption’s merits when they see it working on the battlefield - and seeing them jealous makes the whole endeavor even more worth it to Crinierre!


  1. It's a great model. I'm sorry that I never bought one of these. You've made a really good job of the crew as well: it's almost a diorama now. Excellent work.

    1. I'm so glad I managed to get most of the 6th ed. Bretonnia range before is disappeared... Many thanks too! I need to make a diorama one of those days, it was certainly fun back then :)

  2. Bardzo dobrze się to wszystko komponuje na tej dużej podstawce. Elementy na niej zawarte dodają tylko uroku do całości ;)

    1. W dzisiejszych czasach pewnie bym więcej detali tam nawrzucał, ale tak jak jest też działa ;) Wielkie dzięki!

  3. Pięknie z tą palisadą i murkiem.

    1. To miała być Zupełnie Naturalna Formacja Skalna Ucięta Przez Kadr Dioramy, ale co tam ;) dziwne pomysły z młodości! Dzięki za miły komentarz :)
