
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Blood Bowl Team - The Putrid Punters - Group Shot

I don't post group shots very often - but I thought this is a good occasion for one of those - I painted all the players for my Nurgle team, The Putrid Punters. That and I actually have all of them at hand - almost everything else gets quickly moved back to Poland to save some shelf-space here in Berlin.

Another reason why they are getting such a photo (and other teams didn't) was because I put a rather crazy amount of energy into them. Every player is converted, kitbashed, modeled to accurately and clearly represent their in-game upgrades - a process which took not only time but also much thought - and it's all culminated with the scratchbuilt Big Guy, the friendly Rotspawn Sloth the Sloth. I'm also pretty happy how they turned out.

Close-ups and views from different angles of all the players can be found here: Bloaters, Pestigors, Rotters and the Rotspawn. I already played a game with them and I'll be setting up a match report here sometime in the future.

Besides their record on the pitch, the Putrid Punters are well known for their quirk of disappearing into the warp from time to time only to reappear many seasons later as if nothing happened (warp shenanigans, courtesy of Grandfather Nurgle). This affects their whole presentation - the hard-to-kill Bloaters remember the ancient times and wear appropriate armor, tough Pestigors can shame the current beastmen with their animalistic skill and fragile Rotters are almost modern! Everything's capped with the cute and timeless Sloth the Sloth. It takes them some time to collect themselves after each jump - but as soon as the players are together, they can use their natural talent and experience of the older players to get back on the pitch - and maybe get some bearable results too! Not long after their staff end equipment should follow, which will allow them to get on the track full (disgustingly slow) speed and spread the Grandfather's love.

A full set of miniatures for a  Nurgle Blood Bowl team, shown from above and in several angles, all of them converted. The Bloaters are made out of Putrid Blightkings, the Pestigors out of BB Beastmen, the Rotters are from the GW BB Nurgle box and the Beast / Rotspawn is scratchbuilt. They are standing on round bases flocked with Marsh Blend from Gale Force Nine.


  1. Mimo, że BB mnie nie kręci osobiście to i tak z zapartym tchem śledziłem kolejne wpisy, czekając cierpliwie na dzisiejszy dzień w którym pokazałeś całość. Sporo pracy w konwersje, malowanie na wysokim poziomie - normalnie brak mi słów - ŚWIETNE!!!

    1. Dziękuję za cierpliwość przy brnięciu przez te wszystkie posty ;) Cieszę się, że się podoba :D

  2. Grałbym! Bardzo spójna, ciekawa i klimatyczna drużyna. Podstawki ładnie podkreślają ogólną zgniliznę i scalają ekipę. Lubię i Slotha, i rzymskich Blightkingów, i zwyklasków, ale najbardziej to chyba podobają mi się Twoje Pestigory (szczególnie ten z wiszącymi flakami). Tak właśnie powinni wyglądać zwierzoludzie Nurgle'a (i jego drużyna w ogóle).

    1. Bardzo cieszą mnie Twoje słowa, dzięki! Ten pestigor był akurat pierwszym graczem którego w ogóle ulepiłem do tej drużyny - może więc miałem najświeższą, niezleżałą inspirację i zadziałało ;P
