
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sokolov Halberd Regiment - WIP

The Sokolov faction is by far the smallest one in my little Varsavian chronicle - represented by just two characters! They may be fairly impressive, but that's still not much of a faction. I bought some additional models for them during the years, but they never got too much attention.

Now I am starting with the most basic core troop for them - skeletons! Because I have a big unit of them already, I wanted to do something different. The first change was to convert them into halberdiers - making them more similar to the Empire army, on which Lady Sokolov bases her forces. I stole this idea from the 9th age army book for their skeletons - I found that idea really neat and I like halberds too. The second change - I want to flex my freehanding muscles and paint the faction's coat-of-arms on their shields - so I cast copies of Bretonnian shields out of greenstuff for them - a much better canvas than ragged, round shields of normal skeletons. Finally, I will paint them with the Sokolov color scheme, relatively clean and with lots of red - I saw skeletons like that many times and I always wanted to try doing something similar.

I am currently working on some characters for this faction, so that is coming too. I will also do a similar unit of skeleton pikemen for them, but this will probably take some time!


  1. Pięknie zapowiadający się klocek! A jak dokładnie "kserowałeś" tarcze?

    1. Dzięki! Wpierw zrobiłem odciski oryginałów w dużym, płaskim kawałku greenstuffu, a potem wciskałem mniejsze kawałki w tą formę, odcinając potem nadmiar materiału - najlepiej będzie to wyjaśnić na zdjęciu tutaj: LINK

  2. Looking good so far! Those brettonian shields have come out really well too.

    1. Thanks! :) They are truly the best shields, it's a shame they are lost to history now...

  3. Nie pozostało nic innego jak pomalować te szkielety... powodzenia!!!

    1. Szkielety to akurat łatwizna, gorzej z tarczami! Dzięki! :)
