
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Blood Bowl Chaos Chosen - The Untrue

As promised, here I am again with the usual - some more twisted beastmen for my equally twisted Chaos Blood Bowl team, The Lost & Damned.

Now, those guys were fun - I consider them the least "believable" of the bunch, representing more nightmares given form than just a strange mutated beastmen. The one on the left was inspired by the Pantheon of Chaos banners the most - which, in turn, take a lot from Ian Miller's art for the Lost&Damned book. I don't have the slightest idea how this creature would even work in reality and I like it like that very much. While the sculpting process was rather complicated, the painting was very straightforward.

The one on the right is almost a random assortment of bits - I didn't plan it, I was just piecing together some newly-bought parts. The final effect looks perhaps less physics-defying than the Flatface, but it's a strange one nontheless. It also turned out quite interesting as a miniature - difficult to understand when viewed only from one angle, which I consider a very fitting feature.

The WIP for the left one can be found HERE and the right one HERE.

Another kind of beastmen employed by the Lost & Damned can be only called the Untrue. They are just wrong, cruel mistakes of fate that managed to take form and escape from the maelstrom of Chaos. Functioning like a glitch in the reality, those saner around them can never relax or think straight - so they are often used by the coach to disrupt their opponent’s gameplan. Still, no matter how the Untrue look or act, they are aware of themselves and their surroundings, possibly even sentient - and that just seems to disturb everyone even more. Then, without any warning, they are called back by their gods and just suddenly blink out of existence and everyone’s minds, like a bad dream in the morning...  


  1. Coraz lepsze te konwersje robisz ;)

  2. Była taka reklama płatków śniadaniowych, z którą kojarzy mi się zawodnik z lewej strony.

    Świetne konwersje!

    1. Faktycznie! No to ten tutaj to szalony crossover między Cini Minis a Khorne Flakes!

      Dzięki :)

  3. "Między squigiem a kwadratem", czyli millerowski pan "Piętnastka" wyszedł zjawiskowo.

    1. Squig mi nigdy nie przyszedł do głowy, ale podoba mi się to porównanie! Dzięki!

  4. That square face thing is a masterpiece!
