
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blood Bowl Star Player - Bulla Shardhorn

Neglected for a long time, the Nurgle Star Players (WIP post HERE) are back - this time, after vaguely human Tolly Glocklinger and Guffle Pusmaw, it's time for a crazy mutated Pestigor, Bulla Shardhorn. He's the one that comes with half of the possible mutation upgrades, being just a step from turning into a spawn.

When I was doing my standard Pestigors I dismissed the one sculpt provided in the official GW box and converted ones designed for an unaligned Chaos Team. When it came to Bulla, though, it was just perfect, with two alternative heads, lots of horns, and an uncommon pose. I crammed both heads there, added some extra arms, spikes, and quite a lot of branches - doubling as Nurgle-themed horns. The final effect is messy and difficult to read, but I think it fits this particular player.

Bulla Shardhorn, as probably the best known Pestigor in the Blood Bowl business gets invited often to hold speeches, training courses and coaching sessions for other players. Not many stars enjoy doing this, but Bulla really hates it - but the things we do for fame, right? Every time he tries to find another beastman to "translate" his incoherent ramblings. The "assistant" can improvise whatever they want and Bulla will still get praised for his "unique and chaotic" wisdom. Last time it was Mu'mulgor who was helping the star and he did so well, Bulla decided to help his team, the Putrid Punters, at a discount one time. They will use it surely!


  1. Great work. I really like the feeling of movement in him. He feels as if he's changing shape as he runs forward.

    1. That's a very interesting take on it! Many thanks ;)

  2. Niezwykle udana konwersja. Malowanie z dbałością o najmniejszy szczególik. Dzwoneczek robi klimat ;)

    1. Dzieki! Teraz dopiero sobie uświadomiłem jak on musi podzwaniać cały czas...

  3. Heyho, I noticed that your Instagram Account was hacked. It posts that Ray Ban Scam Sh*t. Please do something. We allready lost our buddy Brass Monkey from the INQ28 Community.

  4. Widać, że chłopak nigdy nie stosował dopingu oraz szczepionek, a muskulatura zbudowana na bułce z bananem. :)

    1. Of course, Nurgle sie trzyma od szczepionek i podobnego świństwa z daleka ;)

  5. Świetnie wygląda najlepszy w lidze

  6. Coś jest na rzeczy z "messy and difficult to read", ale - o ile w przypadku defaultowego pestigora też się ma trochę takie poczucie, ale nic z tego nie wynika - tu chyba rzeczywiście to atut. Jest w tym ludki jakaś obrzydliwa dynamika, o której wspomniał Toby. Nie wiem, czy to nie zbliża nas niepokojąco do niezbyt lubianego przecież w tych kręgach Tzeentcha ;) (co tylko potwierdza tezę, że model to istne food for thought).

    1. No to się cieszę, że wyszło, choć skojarzenia z Tzeentchem rzeczywiście są niepokojące!
