After a long break, it's time for another Match Report. The game was played not that long after the first one, but it took me quite some time to edit the photos and write proper texts. The photos themselves should be a bit better, because I redid them comfortably after the match, allowing for some better lighting and overall setup. There are also some overlays to show certain actions, making the whole thing perhaps a bit clearer. Also, following a comment from Reddit, I added rosters before the report, showing exactly who is playing with who. I hope it's all worth it!
It was a rematch, so the teams are the same as before, only with some extra fun inducements.
It was a rematch, so the teams are the same as before, only with some extra fun inducements.
The first team, the sturdy Putrid Punters, coached by me, showing up with 12 players: 4 Bloaters, 4 Pestigors, 2 Rotters, a Rotspawn and a Star Player. 50% of the team is sporting at least ST4. (Click the image for better resolution.)
And the second team, the vicious Dreadspear Dragons, showing up with 13 players - 2 Blitzers, 2 Witch Elves, 2 Runners, 1 Assassin, 5 Linemen and a Star Player. Quite unusual for elves to outnumber their opponents! They are, the same as before, coached by my wife.
After the vicious clash from before, the Putrid Punters asked for a rematch - and the Dreadspears Dragons, being who they are, agreed wholeheartedly. The whole thing became quite well known in the local media, so even sponsors appeared, ready to pay something extra for an endorsement - which allowed both teams to employ some star players, raising the stakes just a little bit higher.
Just like before, the Nurgle's favored won the initial coin toss and decided to kick to the elves first. The Druchii chose to set the faster and more experienced pro, Roxanna in the back, to let her quickly and comfortably react to the ball.
Just like before, the Nurgle's favored won the initial coin toss and decided to kick to the elves first. The Druchii chose to set the faster and more experienced pro, Roxanna in the back, to let her quickly and comfortably react to the ball.
After the whistle, the bloodthirsty elves attacked as fast as ever - with the witch Danerys scoring a beautiful opener by knocking down the nimble Pestigor Toandoro. The Punters' reaction inflicted only symbolic damage and failed to halt their enemies' momentum - so the Elves rushed once again, with Assassin Ezion managing to skilfully stab the only agile player on the Nurgle's side. Ted 'the Great' fell down injured on the pitch, his rotten endurance failing as always - with the Plague Doctor commenting that he won't be able to play for a long time after this. That's it for his greatness for now.
On the other side of the pitch, the mighty captain of the elves challenged Best'tigor. While the Blitzer was skillful, he couldn't fell down his foul opponent - so the mighty Pestigor almost immediately counterattacked, taking Raines on his horns, raising him up for everyone to see - and then throwing him down forcefully on the ground! The crowd went crazy! In this situation, no amount of extra armor could help the elf - he got brutally injured and quickly stretchered off from the pitch!
While the players were dishing it out, the Dragons decided to push through along the flank, where Danerys already softened the defense. With the help of her new teammates, Roxanna Darknail finally entered the fray with the ball in her hand. The Punters rushed her just like halflings rushing the buffet tables during the break!
The Nurgle's finest tried their best, they punched and whacked, but they couldn't stop the tricky ball holder once and for all, only pushing her around a bit. In fact, Roxanna needed only a second long lapse in their attention to break free - she leaped high above the fleshy wall of her enemies, landed gracefully and effortlessly ran towards the endzone, showing everyone what does it mean to be pro at Blood Bowl!
It took a moment for everyone to gather their jaws after that spectacle - but it was enough for her - Roxanna was already beyond the Punters' reach and the touchdown was inevitable. Still, they could try to inflict some damage while they could! Mi Kharnn noticed that while the foul witch Danerys was helping the star, she positioned herself dangerously close to the edge of the field. He bellowed a disturbing, gurgling roar and charged at her with his full speed. Nimble as she may be, she couldn't resist that attack and was pushed off - after which the rabid fans took care that she won't be going back on the pitch very soon!
Elves got their first touchdown, but they paid for it dearly - both Blitzers were heavily injured and many more were knocked out.
Next drive, this time the Punters are on the offense. Elves didn't have their kicking specialist Gamorys, so their aim wasn't that good - and the ball landed very close to the line of scrimmage, allowing the beastmen to react quickly, form a cage and move it methodically forward, determined to run the Druchii over with their hooves.
Pestigors found themselves influenced both by the pressure of the time running out and by their own excitement, rushing forward just a little too fast - especially the overly confident, fame-hungry Mu'Mulgor. This allowed to elves to block the exposed beastman and crush their hopes of scoring before the half-time whistle.
In the second half Punters were ready for some real offensive - not only elves were weakened after earlier clashes, but the rotten ones could finally draw from the changing rooms their secret (literally!) weapon - Tolly Glocklinger, the bell-flinging star players, ready to crush some skulls. With the sponsor's help, the Punters even secured some extra funds for the referee who may be displeased with Tolly's game style. Now the game can properly start!
Attack! The ball landed on the right flank for the Punters and that's where Pestigors rushes. Tolly made good use of his bell, throwing poor Gamorys to the ground like a ragdoll (she didn't sustain any lasting injury though) and Sloth the Sloth almost ran to get himself glued to the small group of elves to the left.
Reacting quick, Dark Elves decided to defend actively (as they tend to do!) and attacked the flank, anticipating the oncoming beastmen. Amongst all the Druchii, it was the runner Dunkles that managed to inflict the most damage - well, together with the Witch Yennefrys who managed to get back onto the pitch.
But that was just a ruse on the Pestigors' behalf, as only after a short run along their right flank, they turned and ran towards the left flank - choosing to push their cage along that edge of the field. Slower players were already waiting there for their faster teammates (it's as if they planned that!) and together they created a formidable and smelly defensive formation.
Spinning and whirling with his bell, Tolly finally noticed Roxanna Darknail amongst the crowd of elves. She called him a "pretty flower" once and he never, ever forgave that heinous defamation - so he immediately wobbled in her direction to crush the puny elf once and for all. Roxanna faced worse opponents in her career, so she was ready to dance and skip around him, denying him the opportunity to crush someone less agile than her - infuriating and embarrassing the opposing star was just a nice bonus.
While the stars were at their star business, the game was on in the background. The cage formed by the followers of Nurgle was solid and elves weren't sure how to approach it and dismantle it effectively - that is, all of them but Yennefrys, who knew this game better than her mates (or was just more insane!) and charged one of the cage's corners. Unnaturally strong, she was used to much weaker resistance on her opponents' parts - so she was mildly surprised when Rotticus, captain of the Punters, stopped her attack. Surprise quickly turned into anger, which allowed her to rush forward once more, throwing herself at the Bloater. All that came out of it, though, was that they got tangled and both fell to the ground...
The captain was on the ground, but the rest of the Punters were able to distance themselves from the cursed Witch and run forward - this time a little more conservatively than in the first half.
Unfortunately for them, getting away from a Witch Elf or Har Ganeth is not that easy - Yennefrys noticed that her quarry was getting away, so she quickly jumped up and ran forward to mess with the Punters' plans.
Behind the cage, there was a player trudging along - Bloater Globbmax, barely keeping up, his mind clouded through all the years. He didn't completely understand what was going on around, but when he noticed a fast-moving black and purple object, he knew that it wasn't one of his team-mates - so led by his instincts, he swung at the witch with his horrifying arm. She dodged it in time, avoiding any damage, but because of that, she lost sight of the ball-carrying goat Mu'mulgor. The pestigors would love to stall, but in the face of that dangerous witch - and seeing that Roxanna was also getting close - decided to use that moment of opportunity. The beastman slipped between his mates and ran towards the Endzone, scoring the Punter's first Touchdown since the last time-jump.
There was still time left - so elves reorganized their team and moved on with their offensive - they won't allow for the match to end with a draw! Yennefrys set herself right next to Rotticus - to properly finish their last fight. Now, she knew what to expect and she managed to send the enemy captain to the ground stunned. Sneaky Ezion managed to do the same to Bleggharius.
On the back, Roxanna quickly got the ball and passed it to Helles, who run quickly to the flank (as elves tend to do!), determined to get that one more Touchdown before the final whistle.
Elves clumped together while executing their strategy - it was a perfect opportunity for Sloth the Sloth to slither between them and stop them in their tracks. Mi Kharnn explained this plan to the snuggly Beast of Nurgle, but he only got stressed with the amount of responsibility and hid his face in his paws, embarrassed and shy.
The last standing elves fought bravely and hacked away a corridor, wide enough for Helles to run through and forward towards the Endzone.
Alone on the enemy's territory - that was a dangerous decision on the Runner's part. Pestigor Mu'mulgor, watching the whole situation, decided to stop basing the other Runner, Dunkles and charged the ball-carrier. Helles was a professional player, though - so keeping his nerves at bay, he quickly passed the ball to the other Runner before the fists, hooves and horns of the Pestigor fell down upon him.
Dunkles, carrying the responsibility of the whole match upon his shoulders, stuck his tongue out to the Pestigor basing him, ran away from his tackle zone and ran towards the Endzone, giving everything he had to go those few extra steps. He understood the risk - especially remembering poor Rales who was trying so hard to run away from Sloth the Sloth, that he fell down and got himself severely injured - but he did it nonetheless - managing to score the second Touchdown for his team just before the whistle, leaving the whole chaos well behind him.
After the match, both coaches were asking themselves the same question - was it all worth it? The Putrid Punters were wondering if their focus to mangle the elves and indulging their need for destruction was worth losing the match - while the Dreadspear Dragons were wondering if winning was worth the crippling losses to their own team and if it will affect the upcoming games. Finally, both teams were questioning themselves if all the big money spent on the stars was worth it - they either stole the glory from the standard players or were focusing on fruitless battles between them.
Judges and observes decided that Sirius was the elves MVP of the game, granting the award for "quick thinking and good team coordination on the pitch which allowed for his team's splendid victory" - literally the same reason as during the previous game, as some reporters noticed - is there some dishonesty amongst the jury? From the Puters' side, they chose Bob the Immortal, the brave Rotter - for "utter dedication to the game and readiness to help his mates without looking for personal glory". Those knowing Bob were left wondering if that was ironic or not.
(We use the rules where MVPs are awarded completely random.)
Judges and observes decided that Sirius was the elves MVP of the game, granting the award for "quick thinking and good team coordination on the pitch which allowed for his team's splendid victory" - literally the same reason as during the previous game, as some reporters noticed - is there some dishonesty amongst the jury? From the Puters' side, they chose Bob the Immortal, the brave Rotter - for "utter dedication to the game and readiness to help his mates without looking for personal glory". Those knowing Bob were left wondering if that was ironic or not.
(We use the rules where MVPs are awarded completely random.)

Yes, I know, I need to paint the balls... But I did more overlays and redid the photos comfortably after the match (an idea presented by Ana from Gardens of Hecate), getting much better quality of the pictures, so I think there's still some improvement.
It's hard to find enough time for a game these days, so I'm not sure when the next report is going to appear. When it does, it will surely be with different teams, it's time for a change here.
It's hard to find enough time for a game these days, so I'm not sure when the next report is going to appear. When it does, it will surely be with different teams, it's time for a change here.
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