
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Followers of the Radiant Wheel

After the cultists, it's time to bring even more miniatures from my little 'Radiant Wheel' series. As with the beforementioned cultists and the High Council, they are all part of the Black Crab Miniatures collection made by Meridian Miniatures, inspired by @blackcrabart. They have a similar style, which allowed me to spun this little narrative around them, while being distinct enough to let me divide them into smaller sub-groups.

The High Council wore pristine robes, all in the proper color scheme, while their underlings were dirty and wore mismatched clothes, to show how distanced they are from the leadership. Today's group, the followers, are even lower on the ladder - they wear only a token amount of red and black, without any fancy patterns and they are even dirtier than the cultists - at least that was the idea.

Just as it was with other minis from this set, it was a pleasure to paint them - exploring the idea of how forgotten and downtrodden are the common folk living in the background of this whole story of undead power struggles that I spin here.

The Cult of the Radiant Wheel is spreading through Varsavia quickly, but most of its influence is in spying activities and cultists acting as advisors to leaders and chieftains - the faith needs more time to properly persuade people. Most of the villagers are treating it as yet another novelty that will pass soon - but some of them, those treated harshly by fate, as much easier to convert. Crippled veterans, victims of plagues, people who lost their families to marauders or monsters - they are convinced by the stories of rebirth, the support of the cult or the dark regenerative magic some of the cultists use. Their numbers grow - but until they are stronger, they keep their allegiance subtle, mostly through the use of color accents in their clothes.

4 tabletop villager miniatures from Black Crab Miniatures, seen from several angles - tehy are painted with red, black and brown robes, with lots of dirt and weathering on them.


  1. Figurki takie trochę 2D ale ma to swój urok.
    Natomiast jeżeli chodzi o malowanie to nie schodzisz ze swojego wysokiego poziomu!

    1. No, trochę staroszkolnego uroku mają :) Dzięki!

  2. Facjaty jak w kolejce pod monopolowym. :D

    Świetne malowanie, jak zwykle zresztą. :)

    1. To się nazywa naturalizm w sztuce ;) Dzięki!

  3. Ładnie Ci to stopniowanie hierarchii wychodzi :) Zacny weathering i miło, że ten, co chodzi najmniej, prawie nie ubłocony.

  4. They really are filthy, they look like they've been dipped in mud. You really bring out all the character in the models. Very nice.

    1. I like pigment weathering, I could make much, much more such peasants if I had the right minis ;) Thank you kindly, glad you like them!
