
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Zombie Legion - The Lost One

Part of the Zombie Legion

An idea came to me one day - to convert one of the controversial Stormcasts into a small, lousy zombie filler. I bumped him a bit, scratched, crippled his hand, stuck a stick in his neck, covered with mud and added some patina - and here he is! The one that got lost in the WFB universe. Painted in November 2016.

This giant, armored knight stumbled into the forest one day, looking somehow lost. Without a word, he got into a battle with the undead forces as soon as he saw them. While he proved to be a tough opponent, zombies just kept coming and after all the cuts and jabs, he was felled down just like any other and was quickly incorporated into the same horde he so valiantly fought. Constantin considers him an interesting curiosity in his horde.

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