Some more conversion work on the zombie legion. I had plans for some of them for a long time - and for other, it was a quick inspiration coming while looking through the bitz box. Because of that, the projected number of miniatures involved was increasing steadily. At that point (April 2017) I expected to have 6x50 zombies.
First one of this set - some zombies playing with a Terrorgheist head. I had that spare head lying around and I always wanted to use it somehow on my zombies - and this was the idea that I came up with. Adds a bit of humor to my otherwise serious collection - zombies are perfect for that.
First one of this set - some zombies playing with a Terrorgheist head. I had that spare head lying around and I always wanted to use it somehow on my zombies - and this was the idea that I came up with. Adds a bit of humor to my otherwise serious collection - zombies are perfect for that.

I also had some Dark Elf bodies laying around - elves are quite difficult to 'zombiefy' without excessive work, but I managed to get at least a few of them in the legion. On the second picture, you can see two musicians and the first one of creepy cultists I converted.

Here you can see first three of the Kislev Footmen - converted from the Empire Archers kit. You can see the whole unit of them HERE. On the second picture, there are some old pikemen that I made more historically appropriate with some brass rods - they will be surely difficult to transport, but those pikes protruding from the zombie crowd make for a very good image.

And some more monster bits. Ghorgon hand made to crawl alongside the rest of the walking dead with a Giant head hopping along too. Below those you can see some old Cursed Company miniatures which I managed to hunt on eBay through all the years - they fit my mix-and-match horde very well, even if they are skeletons.

And lastly, more random creations.

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