
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Zombie Legion - Kislev Infantry Levy

Part of the Zombie Legion

Converted Empire Archers turned into zombie infantrymen - painted in May 2017. I based them on the polish infantry from the 16th/17th century, which you can see HERE. After they were painted they were still way too clean in my opinion - so it was a perfect excuse to try out some pigments I bought shortly before that. It was my first time using them and I think it turned out pretty good. The box had 11 sets of legs, so I managed to get an extra zombie out of those archers.

Von Greifens may have carved a pretty big domain for themselves in Varsavia, but they were still small time compared to big players in the Old World politics - from which Kislev is their immediate neighbor. And while the Tsardom may be one of the weaker human realms, they are still a major local power with many thousands of soldiers available to them - which makes von Greifens and their hundreds of troops look rather meager. Because of that, Brothers try to stay away from Boyars to avoid provoking them, but small skirmishes still happen from time to time. Reminders of those clashes remain in the zombie hordes that vampires drag along for their battles - they are immediately recognizable by their blue clothes, typical fur-hats and Kislev sabers.

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