
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Zombie Legion - The Stirlanders

Part of the Zombie Legion

Empire zombies - painted in July 2017. During all the years of hobbying, I managed to gather quite a lot of imperial bits - and this project was putting them up to good use. At first, I looked at the map and tried to choose a province neighboring Kislev to make it all sensible from the fluff standpoint - but I didn't like their colors at all. So I choose Striland which fits my color scheme, but doesn't make as much sense geographically... still, it's the lesser evil in my opinion.

Recently some provinces of the Empire were waging a war with Kislev - and it was a Strilander force that was moving through Varsavia. Von Greifens kept themselves hidden, not wanting to go between two large realms' war, reacting only when absolutely necessary. After skirmishes with the undead and the forest itself taking their men, soldiers of Empire were an easy target for Kislevites, who quickly crushed them and moved away. Since that time the yellow, green and brown of Striland became a very popular color amongst the zombies' ranks.

First, the cannon, together with zombies futilely trying to get it to shoot.

And the infantry of the Stirland Expeditionary Force - first, some historical-style pikemen. They are kinda unwieldy, so I understand why GW went for much shorter spears and halberds. But as I said in the WIP post about them - the effect of those pikes protruding from the undead horde are definitely worth it.

And the rest of the unfortunate soldiers.

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