
Sunday, February 11, 2018

Zombie Legion - The Oldest

Part of the Zombie Legion

My collection of all the old Cursed Company miniatures that I managed to hunt down on eBay. I painted them around August 2017, but I never made good photos of them, they got lost in the whole horde of zombies - so I am fixing my mistake right now! I got the champion, the dwarf, the orc and the saurus without their shields, so I had to get them some replacements from my bitz box. The lizardman got also a more modern weapon to fit his shield better and the orc got a pauldron to make him a bit bulkier - not much converting, but still.

Forced members of Constantin's zombie hordes come and go very quickly - but there are a tiny few of such ‘recruits’ that accompany the vampire much, much longer than any other raised dead. Through all the years and battles their flesh managed to rot off their bones, but they still hold their gear and follow the horde loyally as always. This group is called either 'the oldest' or 'the luckiest' amongst the vampires. At this point, their master has grown fond of them and always tries to raise them back, should any of them fall during an encounter - that diverse bunch has become a prized element of his gruesome collection of undead.

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