
Friday, February 2, 2018

Zombie Legion - WIP #6 - The Brutes

And we're back to zombies. I had 200 ready and I needed to have 200 more - so I started sculpting them. I really, really wanted to finish this project and move on to other things...

This time, brutes - big buys filling 40x40mm bases by themselves - all of them with some oppressive feel and using many orc bits.

First one is a converted WH40K Ork and he's carrying a breaking wheel - I always wanted to do something like this. Not being able to find any fitting bits, I sculpted the wheel from scratch and mounted a mangled zombie on top.

The second one is carrying a cage. At first, I considered building a carriage for it and have some wretch pulling it. Then I thought that omitting the cart and making the wretch buff will be much, much better. Still needs some rope - I'll add this when they're painted and glued together.

And a headsman/headhunter - I really liked the idea of someone large with an unnaturally small head hidden inside a helmet. It's also a good way to deal with all the heads in my bitzbox and to add some vertical elements to the horde.

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