
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gavros - the Strigoi Brother

Strigoi Ghoul King from the Terrorgheist set from GW - painted in August 2015. I built this one to be used on foot instead of riding the Terrorgheist - but if there's a need for that, he can be mounted on the monster's base no problem - which can be seen HERE. I changed his pose to fit his status as a foot vampire better, added some bestial bat-ears to him and changed his hands to ghoul ones - the conversion post can be found HERE. Much of it was inspired by Rob Hawkins and his Marduk the Ghoul King. The mace, taken from a chaos warrior, was added to accommodate the idea of giving him a magical weapon on the tabletop. That was valid in 8th edition, but I really don't know if that's still a thing in Age of Sigmar.

The color scheme is the same as with all my vampires - pale blue, red and black - and proved to be a bit troublesome on this one. There are not much elements on him that are not skin and at first, I painted his loincloth red - which made him look like a stripper... In the end, only the handle and the little pouch are red.

While von Greifens tend to look down on Strigoi vampires, Haralamb Gudvanger isn't so discriminating. He took care of two Strigoi siblings and helped them crush the witch hunt that was following them. Thankful, the feral vampires help the flesh-stitcher as shock troops and ghoulish commanders on the field.

A muscle-bound brute, the brother - Gavros is all one can expect from a Strigoi Ghoul King. Fuelled by rage and hunger, he's easily manipulated by Gudvanger. He also possesses a peculiar knack for leadership, somehow inspiring the flesh monsters to perform better on the battlefield. Known for very short bursts of extreme strength bolstered by blood magic - during this moments he can crush stones with his hands and rip apart fully armored knights - that together with his supernaturally quick strikes makes him a truly terrifying foe when on the offense, even if somewhat lacking in defense. If not fighting with his poisoned claws, he enjoys using a monstrous mace he took from a killed Chaos Knight.

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