
Sunday, June 4, 2023

Gudvanger's Monster #11 - The Cannonman - WIP

Third one for the expansion of my ogre-ish Crypt Horrors. After the Skullman and the Moleman, it's time for the Cannonman.

I managed to secure some Leadbelchers and I always wanted to use one of them for this project - with some tentacles writhing inside, it's a close combat creature after all. The results are rather messy, but that is often the case with my minis, isn't it? The head was a spontaneous decision here, I wanted a tiny head on a tall neck, but during the sculpting I noticed that a whole body could fit there - so I added an extra arm there. Well, when their mad creator is stitching them together, he doesn't really have to keep the standard humanoid anatomy, anything goes.


  1. Czysty Chaos! Czekam na pomalowany model, bo zapowiada się bluźnierczo. :)

    1. Dzięki! Z malowaniem będzie musiał poczekac na wszystkich swoich koleżków niestety...

  2. Tu to poszalałeś. Niby ghoule, ale jednak do blood bowlowej drużyny nurgle'a też by pasował :D

    1. Dzięki! No cóż, flaki to uniwersalny motyw w sztuce, wiele zastosowań ;)
