
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Matthias Schwarzfeuer

It's been some time since the last odd necromancer, now it's time for the second one - Matthias, the fancy necromancer who's living under the delusion that all the death and decay around him is actually a pristine elegance. The unpainted conversion of this miniature can be seen HERE.

While Alarich was kinda complicated to convert and straightforward to paint, this one was the opposite. There's barely any conversions on him and an overabundance of freehands. It was challenging a bit, especially keeping the patterns visible while giving them some depth, but also a nice change from other, dirty necromancers in my collection. It was also a good opportunity to do the trick with just polishing the sword on a metal miniature instead of painting it - this guy sure looks like someone who uses a very shiny, clean weapon.

As a piece of trivia - I took his name from an old, old Vampire: the Masquerade character I played, from my edgy teenager phase ;)

Yet another necromancer shown to Hautfell during his search for allies was Matthias Schwarzfeuer. He was sitting alone in a dilapidated palace in the Varsavian wilderness, being tended to by undead servants. Despite all of that, his manners were overwhelmingly noble and royal, his clothes clean, ornate and impeccable. He was indeed a necromancer, quite powerful at that, but he thought, that his profession wasn’t an excuse to stop caring about looking and acting as a noble should. Schwarzfeuer addressed his undead minions with Empire military ranks and still considered himself an important Empire citizen. It was unknown if he was so elitist that he refused to acknowledge the reality around him or he was just stark raving mad. Nevertheless, he acted as a competent ally and necromancer, as long it was an old nobleman Hautfell talking to him - he wouldn’t debase himself taking orders or advice from those beneath him.

Old metal Necromancer miniature from Games Workshop, seen from several angles, converted and painted to be really extravagant and flamboyant, with a feathered hat and intricate, freehanded designs on his robes and cloak. He is usable in Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) or Age of Sigmar (AoS).


  1. Wygląda jak jakiś szlachcic, a nie nekromanta :D

    1. Właśnie o to chodziło! Wielkie dzięki! :)

  2. Łoo panieee!

    Że też Ci się chciało tak dziergać te szaty?!

    Ale efekt jest fantastyczny, Bawitrup jak malowany, znaczy jak z obrazka. :)

    1. Czasem fajnie trochę podziergać i podziubać ;) Cieszę się, że się podoba, dzięki!

  3. Great work as ever, especially the freehand. I like the use of bright colours on such a sinister model.

    1. Thanks! I envisioned him much darker, but I guess his flamboyant style influenced my choice of colors - and I think it works very well here - the contrast is nice, as you noticed :)
