
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Knight of the Realm #11

Continuing two things from the previous post: heraldry from A Song of Ice and Fire and a wavy pattern.

I needed a yellow and black color scheme and I always liked the Greyjoy's coat of arms, so I decided to incorporate it. Wavy pattern on the barding was supposed to be a contrast to the smooth one on the Tully one and serve as a thematic fit for the Kraken on this knight. Sadly, when I designed this, I didn't know how much I would dislike painting the pattern... The Emblem itself may not be very kraken-y, but this is how my books were depicting it.

You may also notice, that despite him being a musician, he has a lance strapped to the saddle. When I was making photos of the Errant Knights, I noticed that I really like the "forest of lances" effect that was made in the last rank - and those musicians in the middle really messed it up! I added those light lances to all the already painted musicians and even something similar to the damsel - just to bring some much needed verticality to the whole unit.


  1. Pieśń Lodu i Ognia? Jasne... ;)

    Cthulhu fhtag'n!!!

    1. I mnie kojarzy się lovecraftowo. Krakeński sukces mimo obaw można chyba więc odhaczyć.
