
Sunday, April 9, 2023

Cadret the Black - WIP

When I posted all my converted Bretonnian knights, I said that one knight was missing from that lineup - I was still very much working on him back then and now he's finally ready to be painted.

It's kinda crazy to see him ready like this, as I invented this character when I was just around 18 years old, during quite an edgy phase of my youth. He was supposed to be a half-vampire, wielding a katana, and was based on some anime characters... Still, my idea was a bit too grand for my skills back then, so barely anything was done and almost everything was converted this year in the end. Now, I eased up on the edge, so he's much more realistic and Bretonnian, but there are still plenty of references to that old version - everything was very fun to put together!

The bits used are all over the place. Even his legs are taken from a Green Knight model, as I couldn't find anything better - I feel so frickin' privileged for having two of those! Besides, there's an elven knight, a vampiric helmet, and a sword hilt from a Nagash knockoff... Even with paint he should stand out amongst his brethren - let's see soon how it'll turn out.

1 comment:

  1. Świetna konwersja. Mimo różnorodności części wszystko bardzo spójne i efektowne. Czekam na efekt końcowy z niecierpliwością.
