
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Viktor von Greifen, Captain of the Prenzlauer Guard

Finally, Victor von Greifen, the Devil of Nemnov is finished!

Quite some time ago I kitbashed myself a model to try out an upgraded color scheme for my The Prenzlauer Guard, my Blood Knights converted out of older Chaos Knights. He was fun to convert, but then it was time to actually try out this new 'renovation' idea of mine.

The main idea was to avoid flat and featureless red plates on the armor and to replace them with something clearly similar, but fancier and more detailed. I went with a marble pattern because I really like painting those and it seemed like a good idea to give some regal, noble note to the model. This first step was messy - wetblending, sprinkling, washing, more sprinkling, glazing, all at once. When that was done I could comfortably move to the other parts - adding more contrast to the metal elements, actually highlighting the flesh on the black horse, etc.

While I like the dark and grim style of Viktor, the old vampires still have some charm to them. Still, I leave the judgment on whether I improved on the old The Prenzlauer Guard to you readers. All things considered, I'd sooner convert new Chaos Knights into Blood Knights than try to repaint anything.

The elite unit of the Prenzlauer Guard was with the von Greifen brothers since their killing of their own sire Laurentin - but they were a blood-crazed and unruly bunch. To keep them in check, Constantin turned a promising soldier from Kislev into a vampire and made him a captain of the unit. He may be more level-headed and intelligent than his subordinates, but he still managed to bloodily beat some discipline into them and it would be a grave mistake to consider him forgiving or compassionate. Known as the Devil of Nemnov, he keeps the settlements under his care in line mostly through fear - dealing bloody retributions for the merest of slights. While Constantin prefers a more pragmatic and humane approach to his mortals, he’s willing to sacrifice those people and tolerate Viktor because he gets the job done and keeps the flank secure, freeing the brothers to focus on other parts of their lands. That and his hammer in an invaluable help in any battle.


  1. Dude that is baller! Great conversion.

  2. Wielce udana konwersja. GW nie powstydziłoby się takiego wampira :D

    1. Niech biorą, bardzo przydały by im się jakieś nowe wampiry! Dzięki! :)

  3. Cóż, książę na białym rumaku to to nie jest. ;)

    Kawał zabijaki, świetna konwersja i malowanie.

    1. Jak się nie ma co się lubi, to się lubi co się ma ;) Dzięki!

  4. Piękny ten czerwony pancerz. Upgrade schematu kolorystycznego udany.
    Czy na płaszczu są kręgosłupki do czaszek? :D

    1. Wielkie dzięki, cieszę się, że coś tam wyszło ;) A na płaszczu miał być szkielet gryfa jak to w herbie jego rodu, tylko że płaszcz pozaginany, więc nie bardzo widać... ale jak tak popatrzę, to rzeczywiście wychodzi jak kręgosłupki! Pan wampir dobrze dba o detale ubioru ;)
