
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Yarema the Giant

Recently I kitbashed a bunch of wight heroes - and today I am finally bringing you the first one of them painted - Yarema the Giant, the legendary Bodyguard of Kings.

Just as with Alarich who started the collection of Necromancers, Yarema was also the most straightforward of them when it came to painting. Verdigris on the armor, reddish fur, dry bones and a black cape with yellow freehands - just like Zlyshko for example. Still, his size makes him extra imposing and the patterns on the back are always fun to do, so I'm quite happy with him too.

Yarema didn’t kill a dragon on a lone mountain, he also didn’t change the fate of any battle by himself, but he was so good at his job that he got buried with all the ceremonies befitting a hero. Yarema was a bodyguard to Varsavian Kings - a giant so imposing and intimidating, his mere presence was enough to deter most attackers - and others got quickly pulverized by his monstrous mace. He was also surprisingly perceptive and clever, able to uncover assassinations plots before they could come to fruition and dismantle them quickly. Thanks to that, Yarema managed to outlive three different kings, who all died because of natural circumstances. After his raising, Zlyshko is more than happy to have him as his personal bodyguard, practically eliminating the danger of assassination.

Painted, kitbashed model of a Wight King with a two-handed mace, made out of various bits (including a Space Marine cloak) and greenstuff.

I also made a small comparison of Yarema and Zlyshko to show just how big a wight built around a space marine cape really is.

Comparison of the original Games Workshop Wight King with my own kitbashed creation, showing the difference in size.


  1. Ślicznie spatynowany. Wzory na płaszczu jak zwykle robią niesamowite wrażenie. Nie po raz pierwszy zazdroszczę freehandowego skilla.

    1. Dzięki! Takich płaszczy i wzorków będzie jeszcze wiele w przyszłości, więc zdążą się znudzić ;)

    2. No i dzięki za tak obszerną serię komentarzy! ;)

    3. Do bywania na blogach siadam rzadko. Jednak jak już siądę, to na dobre :) A że naprawdę jest u Ciebie na co popatrzeć, to i cała przyjemność po mojej stronie :)

  2. He is a big boy, that's a Chaos Terminator Lord's cloak, right? Nice detailing on the cloak and your verdigris is fantastic.

    1. Many thanks! And indeed it's a Chaos Terminator Lord - I had to check to be sure and boy the cloak looks small on that guy!

  3. Świetny patyna, porządne freehandy. Model prezentuje się bardzo dobrze, a takim orężem wręcz oszałamiająco. :)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Cieszę się, że wyszedł po latach bycia jedynie w planach ;)

  4. Świetny pałkarz. Malowanie - wiadomo - mistrzostwo!

    1. W baseballa bym z takim jednak nie zagrał! Dzięki ;)
