
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Zombie Legion - Forest Treasures

Part of the Zombie Legion

Yet another batch of old zombies to show, this time under a vague description of heavy containers / scenery pieces that zombies stand on or try to move. It was mostly a way to use some of the larger bits that I had laying around and without any good use for them - making them probably the most classical 'fillers' that I have in the legion.

People in Kislev say sometimes, that Varsavia is a perfect place to lose something. By means natural and unnatural, people, armies and whole cities can disappear without a trace. Remains of those can be then found much later, their original purpose already forgotten. Using his zombies’ eyes, Constantin patrols Varsavia for those lost treasures, because sometimes they can be really valuable. If not, they can be used as vantage points - or at least as a curiosity for Eshnuu, who really likes to deduct how some of those artifacts end up in Varsavian forests.

First is an ogre Leadbelcher Cannon that I made as an abandoned scenery piece in the middle of the forest. Adding various sorts of weathering to it was quite interesting. It was also dubbed once as 'zombies with guns'.

Several Zombie miniatures standing on an old and weathered Ogre Leadbelcher Cannon, wielding firearms, creating a small diorama to be used a unit filler - with a scratchbuilt tree also on the base - visible from several angles.

Next comes a dwarven wagon, next scenery piece left in the forest - taken from the Battle for the Skull Pass set. I decided to try out some water effects resin at least once in the legion, so I prepared a shallow hole in the base, filed off some of the wagon's wheel and submerged it in some sickly green 'water' - with a ghoulish zombie on top. A mini-diorama, I guess.

A single Zombie miniatures kitbashed out a ghoul body, standing on an old and weathered Dwarf wagon partially submerged in a small puddle, creating a small diorama to be used a unit filler - with a scratchbuilt tree also on the base - visible from several angles.

And the last one, two zombies dragging a treasure chest, because who said undead couldn't be used as menial labor? This piece is meant to be used in the legion together with the Stegadon. The monster's tail sticks out a little further than the base and it was difficult to find a zombie that would fit behind the monster without it looking weird - so I placed a small chest on the ground with two zombies beside it. Now the tail doesn't interfere with anything. Besides, I could use that rather cool-looking chest.

Two Zombie miniatures dragging a chest on the ground, pulling with some ropes, to be used as a unit filler - visible from the front and the back.


  1. Wykonanie jak to wykonanie, przyzwyczaiłeś nas do wysokiego poziomu i cały czas się go trzymasz, ale mi najbardziej podobają się pomysły na te podstawki. Świetne kompozycje, a każda opowiada ciekawą historię. :)

    1. Cieszę się, że się podoba - tyle było tych podstawek, że trzeba było się trochę natrudzić. Dzięki też za rozbudowany komentarz :)

  2. Chciałbym zobaczyć klocek zombiaków z tym jako fillerami. Ocieka klimatem.
    A drzewa to modelarski cud świata. Skądś czy samoróbka?

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Co do całego klocka zombiaków, to wszystkie są do zobaczenia tutaj ;) A drzewa to samoróbka, popełniłem nawet tutorial o nich.
