
Sunday, May 7, 2023

Men-at-arms filler - Crashed Wagon - WIP

After the last long stretch of knights I wanted to try something different, so I switched to build-mode and started setting up my Men-at-arms. I have been buying those dudes for a long time now and gathered a sizeable collection. I plan to have 3 units of them, to avoid painting all of them in the same color! One of them is going to a random bunch of misfits, so not only they carry improvised weapons and shields, they'll have some fillers, just like my old Zombie Legion.

This is the first one, I reused an old orc chariot to serve as a crashed wagon for the dudes. Finally a good excuse to use all those barrel bits I had laying around! One extra man-at-arms is included, as with that wheel he really fits in well.


  1. Fajne, tylko kółka się nie zgadzają ;)

    1. Jeśli to rydwan Zielonoskórych to i tak podwójny sukces - koła są dwa i mniej więcej okrągłe. ;)

    2. Ha, to specjalnie! Toż to bretońscy wieśniacy, jeszcze mniej zaawansowani technologicznie niż zielonoskórzy! Dobrze, że w ogóle mają 2 koła ;)

  2. Dobrze poskładane. Z takimi fillerami oddział będzie wyglądał jak złoto.
