
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Blood Bowl Big Guy - Kryp'er the Chaos Troll

I started painting the smaller marauders and humans first for my Chaos Pact team only because it made sense from a narrative standpoint. This whole time, the most fun miniature in the whole bunch was the troll, it was the one that convinced me to get this team. Now, it's finally painted!

The idea here was to do the same color scheme that Chaos Trolls from WFB used. I always liked that one, but never had the opportunity to use it. Blue skin also nicely contrasts with the orange armor, so that's a plus too.

Nothing else to say here, just a great model from Greebo. Now to paint the other two big guys, a minotaur and an ogre!

With the core players for the Kreegan Krashers found, it was time for the heavy hitters. As it is customary for Chaos Renegades teams, the headhunter Dugtig wanted to go big - as many brutes and monsters as the rules allowed! He started with the troll - after helping recruit players for countless goblin teams, he already knew a good candidate. Kryp’er was a troll with an especially vicious streak and a tentacle for an arm - Dugtig tried to pitch him as a Sea Troll several times, but the greenskin coaches weren’t convinced. Now he would gladly take him into the Krasher’s roster! Sadly, Kryp’er was way too stupid to use that appendage as aptly as Rotspawns do, but thanks to its reach, he could always reach to help his teammates in a scrap.


  1. Świetny! Podoba mi się paleta kolorów, którą wybrałeś. :)

    1. Dzięki! Zawsze mi się podobały te chaośnickie trolle, a nigdy wcześniej nie miałem okazji takiego pomalować ;)

  2. Świetne malowanie. Kontrast pomiędzy skórą, a czerwonymi łuskami na plus. To jakaś twoja konwersja czy oryginał?

    1. Dzięki! To bloodbowlowa figurka od Greebo Games, żadnych konwersji tym razem :)

  3. Bardzo dobre kolorki. Dzięki temu niebiesko-pomarańczowemu twistowi znacznie ciekawsze niż (owszem, dobre) klasyczne warhammerowe chaos trollowe.

    1. Zestawienie z pomarańczowym wyszło trochę przez przypadek, ale i tak się cieszę, że się podoba :) Dzięki!
