
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Earl Guiscard Sagremor

Finally, a Bretonnian that isn't just another namless rank-and-file dude! I actually managed to paint the main hero and leader of this whole force, good and brave Earl Sagremor. This mini, bought about 15 years ago, went through numerous iteration of conversions and now managed to even get some paint on him. He was an absolute pleasure to paint, as he hails from the era of GW that I like the most, with it's metal minis with lots of pouches and other details, all in that proportion of fantasy to realism that I like the most (or its just nostalgia speaking).

He's also the first one to get that black-blue color scheme of his family painted on. I was worried that the blue and the black would meld into one dark mess, but I believe I avoided somehow. I still have 2 of his sons to paint in the same style, as well as a surprisingly large amount o archers I managed to get in those Bretonnia-unfriendly times!

His WIP post can be seen HERE.

Lands of the Sagremor family were beset by enemies for many decades - as long as the vampires and greenskins avoided raiding the great halls of the nobility, the high-born didn’t care. Then, a third son of the current earl, Guiscard, embarked on his quest for the Grail. After years of traveling the land, he understood the sickness wasting his homeland and returned to set things right. With the help of some of the connections made during his journeys, he took over the title from his father after a short, but violent war. With newfound powers, he drove out the bloodsuckers, painted the greenskins’ dwellings with their own blood and actually strived to protect his peasants. Those were hard years for everyone, but they paid off with prosperity that was unheard of for years, all thanks to the new Earl Sagremor. He became known as the one ready for the harshest methods to reach the noblest of goals, yet still compassionate and understanding. Life of the quest influenced him so much, that even now, years and years after, he’s still more comfortable out in the country than in his castle and still wields his giant sword as a weapon of choice.