
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Drachitsa the Slayer

After Yarema I have yet another wight hero painted - or a heroine to be precise - Drachitsa the Slayer, the Fearless Maiden and the Killer of Dragons.

After all the wights that are basically the same with their patinated armor and patterned cloaks, this one has something special - a dragonskin cloak. Still, I didn't want her to stand out too much so I kept her in the same color palette, with only a slight tint of green added to the scales. Other than that, she was a rather standard fare for me.

Every society has its heroes. One such in Varsavia was Kiril the Woodsman, another one was Drachitsa the Slayer. From her earliest days thought to be without any fear, she was the only one to undergo a quest to find the legendary Oakspear and slay the terrible dragon Zmey that was terrorizing his countryside. She killed the beast, took it’s skin as a cloak and returned as a heroine. Since then she was slaying beasts and other enemies of Varsavia and the Death God and made many, many more tales about her, until finally succumbing to old age and a bitter rival. After an excavation under one of the mountains, ahe was found by the wights and subsequently raised. Thanks to the powerful enchantments on her tomb, she retained all of her memories, skills and famed weapons - and like Kiril, she joined her undead brethren to do what she did best - slaying.

Painted, kitbashed model of a Wight


  1. Cudny. Masz gdzieś zdjęcie wip'a?

    1. Dzięki ;) Wip jest w drugim linku w tekście posta

  2. Po śmierci wyszła z niego prawdziwa natura Elfów. ;)

  3. Great painting. Really like the use of browns and reds on this one.

  4. Miło, że imię koresponduje z malunkiem na tarczy i płaszczem :) Bardzo podoba mi się też ostrze włóczni. Napiszesz, jak uzyskałeś taki efekt?

    1. Cieszę się, że ktoś się pofatygował przyjrzeć malunkom ;) No i imię, jak nie mogę znaleźć czegoś mniej oczywistego i dobrze brzmiącego, wychodzi właśnie tak ;) A ostrze włóczni, podobnie jak i cała jej zbroja to efekt mojej starej metody na robienie spatynowego metalu - do zobaczenia TUTAJ.

    2. Fajnie. Przyda mi się na ciąg dalszy Sepulchrali. Dzięki!
