
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Underworlds - Mollog's Mob - WIP

Seeing the approaching 4th season of Underworlds, I decided to buy the last of the expected-to-be-discontinued 2nd season warbands that I liked - the Mollog's Mob. When they first appeared, I disliked them, they were a bit too comical for me, at least for Underworlds. Then I got into Instagram and followed a bunch of AoS28 folks and the idea on how to convert them slowly appeared in my head.

As far as I saw, one of the easiest way to make a monster creepier is to make it more human, have human attributes when one would expect monstrous ones, make the weird thing that much closer to us. To achieve that, I gave every single creature in the band, a human-like face - the troll, the squigs, the frog, everything. Because of the scale difference, every face turned out pretty distinct and characterful, an unexpected, yet good feature.

With the main man here below, I wanted to go a small step beyond - which was inspired by the great menagerie of grimdark Giants which can be seen HERE and the manga/anime Shingeki no Kyojin - where the giants are not just big humans, but humanlike creatures that were scaled up to their size, unperfectly, like in an broken mirror, or by an unskilled creator. Those creatures carry certain human features, but they are all set up wrong - so my 'Mollog' has a very wide mouth and instead of a club, his whole left hand has way too many joints and is just generally too long. The original troll's uneven proportions were perfect for this. Someone may say that this is too small for a giant, but I like my giants on a spectrum - which starts from about this size, when it can overpower an average human with size alone and devour later, if not whole, then bite by bite.

And here are the squigs, little minions of 'Mollog' - those were nice and easy conversions.


  1. Dlaczego je przerobiłeś? Oryginały są całkiem fajne.

    1. Wpierw wpadłem na pomysł zrobienia takiego brzydala, a potem zacząłem szukać dobrej bazy pod konwersję i akurat na nich padło ;) Są także troche zbyt komiczni jak na Underworldsy moim zdaniem, więc wcześniej nawet nie rozpatrywałem ich zakupu.

  2. That arm is next level! Absolutely insane sculpting work here. You really have a way of removing GW's cartoony fingerprint and leaving your own.

    1. Many thanks! I'm very glad you like them and the last sentence is indeed my mission when it comes to those minis! :)

  3. Ło Matko, ale jazda. Diagnoza uczłowieczenia potworności jako skrótu do grimdarkowego klimatu nader trafna. Zazdroszczę tak pokręconej wyobraźni :D Świetne połączenie człowieka i żaby, fantastycznie upiornie minionki i doskonałe zęby Molloga. Nie mogę się doczekać malowania.

    1. Dzięki! Sam już nie wiem skąd to się bierze w mojej głowie ;) Sam jeszcze trochę dumam nad malowaniem i też jestem ciekaw co z tego wyjdzie ;)
