
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Zombie Wedding Present

This week a small intermission - a wargaming wedding gift!

I visited Cologne this year - and before going there I asked a friendly Carpe Noctem user living nearby if he wanted to meet. He told me that we couldn't hang out normally in the city, because he would be busy having his own wedding at the moment, but he would be happy if I would come to the party. So, by pure chance, I got invited to my first German wedding - one that was horror themed too! It was only logical for me to make some undead-related, wargaming present for him and his wife. I choose zombies because I became kinda known for them on the forum, that would make it more personal and because they were simple enough to do them on that rather tight schedule.

Thankfully I managed to finish it on time and we arrived on the party - where not only the married couple and other youngsters were dressed as zombies/vampires/cultists/witches, but also most of the uncles and aunts! A cake had a graveyard decoration on top with a bloody red inside, the snacks were little cookie 'fingers', drinks were red, the decorations were cobwebs and skeletons. In front of it all, a tent was organized - with a grisly escape game! Now that's some dedication, no wonder that the guy collects also undead miniatures! The present was a perfect fit into all that, they looked almost exactly like that.

Two zombie miniatures holding hands, standing on a large wooden base with two open graves, creating a small diorama. On the side of the base there's the names and the date of the people for whom the gift is.


  1. Urocze ;)
    Takie przyjęcie weselne musiało być nie lada przeżyciem bo u nas w Polszcze wygląda to zupełnie inaczej. Wrzuciłbyś jakieś zdjęcia z przyjęcia jeżeli masz :D

    1. Dzięki! Słyszałem o weselach tematycznych w Polsce, więc Polacy nie gęsi, też mamy ;) Jedno zdjęcie nawet mam, mogę pokazać: LINK ;)

  2. I nawet śmierć Ich nie rozłączy. :)

