
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Vekoslav the Beuatiful

I guess it's finally time to finish the project of Varsavian Bogatyrs, various hero-sized characters that I made for my Undead army - you can see their WIP versions HERE.

After Yarema, Drachitsa and Drazhan, now I present you Vekoslav the Beautiful, the proud Battle Standard Bearer for the wight army. Unlike everyone else from this group, he's not a kitbash, but an old discontinued Forge World model. My only change was to file off the vampire-themed image on the banner itself, make it smooth and mount a separate, plasticard sigil in front of it and add a ghost on top.

The reason for that was because I already painted a banner with an elaborate freehand for my Grave Guard - and no amount of additional freehands would make this one more special or prominent. To go a step further, I made a big sigil to move into 3D, beyond the two dimensions of a freehand. With the sigil itself being golden and on a black background, it even fits with the color scheme of my wights.

The ghost on top was a spare from the Nagash kit and an additional attempt to make it more special. Unfortunately, it somehow discouraged me from finishing this mini, so it got postponed to after Drazhan was posted. Still, it was a pretty good project - and a good addition to my collection as the only Vampire Counts model made by Forge World.

During his life, Vekoslav’s gift was his beauty and noticeability. Tall, handsome and imposing, he has drawn everyone’s attention to him. Maybe a wrong skill thing for a spy, but perfect for a statesman - born as a farmer, he managed to become a locally important chieftain. When he found himself in the Varsavian army, not only he led the most elite units but was also honored with the Great Banner of the Death God. Standing or marching with it on the battlefield, nobody could miss Vekoslav. He was always there with the standard, no matter the situation, visible, proud and unwavering. The bearer was so good at his position that he got buried together with the whole banner after death - all the better for Wight Kings when they raised him back to unlife. The great symbol was covered with patina, the flag was tattered and Vekoslav himself was reduced to a bony wight - but they were still inspiring awe on the battlefield, even amongst the dry-hearted wight soldiers of Varsavia.

A compilation of four photos, each depicting a tabletop miniature Wight King standard bearer from Forge World. Top two pictures whow the whole model from the front and back, while the bottom ones focus on the banner carrier himself and then the banner with the converted sigil. Usable in WFB or AoS.


  1. Cóż, jaka frakcja taka choinka. ;)

    Dobra robota, model odpowiednio straszny i ponury jak przystało na chorążego Nieumarłych. :)

    1. Parę bombek bym gdzieś powiesił i naprawdę pasował by do sezonu, nie pomyślałem o tym!

      Dzięki :)

  2. Very beautiful painting as always ^^


  3. Gnieciesz system!!! Świetny sztandarowy!

  4. Excellent, if ostentatious! I just noticed how your base edge colours compliment your painting. Verdigris a partcular hit on this one!

    1. If someone has to be ostentatious, then it's the standard bearer!

      Thanks, I'm very glad you like it - but the base edges are a happy accident, so to say - I deciced it on a whim years ago and now I just continue the trend (frustrated too, because there is no more Bestial Brown!) ;)

  5. Imię mówiące - wyszedł pięknie. Nie widziałem co prawda w zestawieniu z "normalnym" sztandarem, ale i tak nie mam wątpliwości, że ten trzymany przez Wekosława będzie się wyróżniał :) Jak zwykle bardzo podoba mi się Twój skorodowany metal. Zapowiada się, że niedługo skorzystam z Twojego tutoriala :)

    1. Dzięki! Normalny sztandar ma 'nadrukowanego' nietopyrza i brak mu ducha na szczycie, tak więc trochę się może wyróżni ;)

      Cieszę się, że metal się podoba, jestem bardzo ciekaw jak mogło by Ci to wyjść - parę osób się już deklarowało, że skorzysta i jest to mój napopularniejszy post, ale wciąż nie widziałem żadnych efektów ;P
