
Sunday, December 16, 2018

Blood Bowl - Orc and Dark Elf reinforcements - WIP

It's been some time since I finished painting my Blood Bowl teams and since then both me and my wife got into it very much. We got the video games, learned the rules, tactics, leveling schemes and generally got much better in it. Thanks to that, we also noticed that the basic team found in the box were somewhat lacking, not having the optimal amount of some useful players, like Orc Blitzers and Black Orcs. Thankfully, I had a phase when I wanted to start collecting an Orcs & Goblins army - so when I was back in Poland I looked through all the unused boxes in search of some new players to recruit.

Black Orc Blockers - those were easy, I just took some bodies from the Black Orc Warriors (Arboyz) box. Unfortunately, all the minis that are used in Blood Bowl are slightly bigger, so those old Black Orcs were actually smaller than normal Orc Linemen from BB! To fix that, I gave one of the Black Orcs longer legs, while the second one got a bigger torso. As for the Blitzers, I built them out of Savage Orcs - they have more dynamic poses, so they fit quite well. I just took off their weapons and glued some bits on them.

EDIT: Painted versions of those Orcs can be found HERE.

Top part: 2 Black Orcs/Ardboyz miniatures from AoS converted with greenstuff and bits to be used as Black Orc Blockers in Blood Bowl. Bottom Part: 2 Savage Orcs converted to fit Blood Bowl and be used as Orc Blitzers. Both sets visible from several angles.

And something for the Dark Elves too. The team is not painted yet, but I am working on them at the moment - I bought them because my wife really liked their playstyle. She tried them out in the video games first and there she had a player that really stood out - Torles the Unlucky. He was injured several times and had some significant disadvantages, but she kept him on the team still - both because she has grown fond of him and because he still had some useful skills. Seeing that, I decided to kitbash a tabletop model for poor Torles, preferably on a wheelchair, but still able and eager to play and score! Thankfully I have a lot of Dark Elf bits, so it was much easier than expected!

The seat and the wheels are out of plasticard, the rest of the chair is either sculpted or taken from a Dark Elf Noble on a Black Dragon kit and Torles himself is mostly made out of Corsair bits. Skeleton shields were used on the wheels for the manual propulsion - with corsair spikes for extra menace. I also added a flowing dragon hide on the back of the chair, both to tie him with the rest of the team and to give the model a sense of speed.

EDIT: Painted Torles can be seen HERE.

A kitbash/conversion of an injured Dark Elf player miniature riding in a custom-built wheelchair. He has a leg and neck in a cast and is angrily riding forward, with a piece of greenstuff dragon skin flowing behind him.


  1. Pomysłowe konwersje, no i nadałeś modelom sporo charakteru. :) Podoba mi się ten wózek bojowy, tylko wydawało mi się że Profesor Xavier z X-Men trochę inaczej wyglądał. ;)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! A ten Xavier to po prostu moja interpretacja jego młodości ;P
