
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Zombie Legion - Skaven

Part of the Zombie Legion

Some zombie batches are still left to post - this time, some Skaven. I didn't have any spare ratmen bodies in my bits collection, so these were all bought specifically to be used in the Legion - mostly for a bit of diversity and completionism. Being non-humans, it was difficult to zombify them, as I couldn't just change some bits around, so their conversions are rather simple.

The wolf-rat was bought near the end of the whole project, when I was looking through ebay for some last miniatures to fill some space - and someone was selling it cheaply. It's not only an interesting piece by itself, but it's also a Forge World model used as a lowly zombie filler - another thing to take off my bucket list, I guess!

Ratmen crawl underneath all the Old World and they sometimes resurface even in such forgotten places as Varsavia. Their clashes with the vampires are not very common, but their soldiers, as frail as they are, make it into the zombies’ ranks too. Once skaven launched a more organized attack, bringing with them strange rat-wolves - beasts specializing in forest combat. Sorin's Vilks countered them quite effectively and brought them down with numbers - since then, one of such creatures accompanies the zombie horde.

Several Skaven miniatures from WFB / AoS converted to be used as unit fillers in a Zombie unit. On the top picture there are several clanrats and an armless Stormvermin, while lower there are several photos of a zombified wolf-rat from Forge World.


  1. Super konwersje i malowanie. Btw nadal masz mało zombie?

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Zombie mam zdecydowanie dość, tylko jeszcze wciąż postuję zbliżenia na różne grupki z całej hordy - na szczęście już niewiele tego zostało ;)

  2. Zdecydowanie 'umiesz w Zombie'! Świetna robota!

  3. I really love your blog, you inspired me to try and make an undead army of my own. I was just wondering if you have a recipe for the beautiful bases you do.

    1. Wow, thanks! It's good to see the blog being useful like that! I wish you all the best in your hobby adventure then, undead are really rewarding!

      As for the bases, the most important part is a this box of scenery from Reality in Scale. I spread it on an earlier ground layer, which should be dark brown - I used drybryshed sand earlier and real dirt now - and the difference is not big really. Most of it is hidden underneath the 'foliage' either way. When bases are big enough, I add some tufts, mostly these ones from Army Painter.
