
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Underworlds Warband - Kiril's Retinue / Vechernyan Wights

As you could already see in one of the previous posts, I bought Shadespire and started assembling the teams that came in the box. Besides those two, I got the Sepulchral Guard too, of course - I am collecting undead after all! I liked the miniatures so much, I would get them even if I wasn't planning to play the game.

Ever since I saw the previews of this band, I wanted to paint them in my usual patinated color scheme, like all my other WFB wights. But, on the other hand, I wanted to integrate all my Underworlds bands into AoS setting somehow. So I came up with my own little land in Shyish which would be a twisted reflection of the Old World - set in the Mortal Realms, but also still vaguely connected with everything that I invented for my WFB army. Now I could paint the same patinated armor and yellow freehands, like always! I actually painted them parallel with the Grave Guard, but seeing as they are more special and not a horde, I added additional layers of shadows and highlights, which took some extra time.

All in all, I enjoyed painting them - now I need to finish the two main bands and try out the game!

Vechernya is a land in Shyish, ruled by a plethora of warring princes, tsars and dukes - but held together by the influence of the local god - the Withered King. He survived the Wars of the Dead, but since then remains in a weakened state, slumbering, beneath the notice of Nagash and his Mortarchs. Still, he affects the land by forcing his dreams into reality - dreams of a realm otherwise forgotten, perished in the bygone times. Although the inhabitants of Vechernya have free will and progress through their own histories, their lives and events tend to reflect the Withered King’s memories - trapped unaware in cycles of deadened existence. Even death isn’t a release from it, for dead Vechernyans are known to raise from their graves - all to continue one of many existences lingering in their god’s mind. One of such groups of undead is the Kiril’s Retinue, roaming the land, wishing to rejoin their old unit and leader. No matter how many are destroyed, new ones always seem to come and group together. All of them are driven by the same purpose, one they often cannot completely recognize as their own, yet still hopelessly following the Withered King’s dream.

First, the individual wights:

All members of the Sepulchral Guard, 7 miniature skeletons shown separately, painted with patinated armor and black clothes with yellow freehands.

And the whole warband:

Members of the Sepulchral Guard shown together as the whole warband, painted with patinated armor and black clothes with yellow freehands.


  1. Piękne. Wzory na płaszczu i szatach są niesamowite!

    1. Wielkie dzięki, cieszę się, że się podoba :)

  2. These are great. Very atmospheric as usual. I particularly like the colour on the metal. They look old and dirty but not messy. Really good stuff!

  3. Świetne wzory na płaszczach, ten na liderze podoba mi się najbardziej.

    Fajnie wyszedł także skorodowany metal i kości.

    1. Lider miał najwięcej płaszcza to i wyżyć się malarsko można było ;) Dzięki!

  4. Płaszcz Wardena rwie czapkę.
    Jestem także pod ogromnym wrażeniem realizmu drewna na tarczy Championa. Można prosić o przepis? :)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! :)

      A co do tarczy - zacząłem od Steel Legion drab, który potem pokryłem Athonian Camoshade. Potem rozjasniałem górną/wypukłą część tarczy Steel Legion Drab'em do którego stopniowo dodawałem coraz więcej Ushabti Bone - aż do samego Ushabti Bone, już tylko jako bardzo drobne linie. Potem zacząłem przyciemniać dolną część tarczy, malując linie przy pomocy Athonian Camoshade na zmianę z Agrax Earthshade - całkiem sporo warstw, aż uznałem, że jest wystarczająco ciemno. Na sam koniec spryskałem to odrobiną Camoshade.
