
Monday, September 18, 2017

Zombie Legion - The Regulars

Part of the Zombie Legion

The first unit I got for my undead army. Standard GW Zombies painted in July 2013. Bought some sets and bits and managed to glue together 65 of them. Back then, only having experience with pre-8th Edition WFB, that was crazy. How little did I know. Speaking of crazy, doing an assembly line with all 65 of them almost drove me insane - but at least I tasted what would the hobby part look like with a vampire counts army. With those and some proxies, I started learning the rules for 8th Edition WFB.

Constantin pragmatically believes that quantity is a quality of its own and that's why he favors zombies as the bulk of his army. As long as one doesn't expect anything spectacular, they don't disappoint. With enough bodies thrown at them, even Bretonnian knights and Chaos Warriors can be brought down. This tactic worked numerous times for the Vampires and that's why Constantin keeps a force of them at all times. And while rotting Ogres and Minotaurs are effective, the strong core of his Zombie Legion were always peasants. Even with simple weapons, they did their job as well as any other dead warrior - and their bodies were a really plentiful resource - they were his Regulars.

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