
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Prenzlauer Guard - WIP

Back then in August 2013 when I was building this unit, getting original GW Blood Knights was way too costly for me and I really didn't like using Dragon Princes for that - they seemed to be popular at the moment. I choose Chaos Knights, as they were bigger, meaner and spikier - everything I needed for a unit of vampire knights. I removed all the chaos iconography, mounted quite a lot of Grave Guard bits on them, added some greestuff details, bigger weapons and even sculpted faces for them. It wasn't by any means perfect, but good enough for the first try.

Today I would do it differently, but it's always like that. At least I made some progress along the way. At least I have Blood Knights. And now the whole conversions. Sorry about the quality of the photos...


Standard Bearer

Knight 1
Knight 2

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